
关于”2018天津“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Tianjin, 2018。以下是关于2018天津的高考英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。


关于”2018天津“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Tianjin, 2018。以下是关于2018天津的高考英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Tianjin, 2018

2019 Tianjin College Entrance Examination English Composition








2019 Tianjin College Entrance Examination English Composition

This year is 2019, and it is also the year when I took the college entrance examination. The college entrance examination is the most important exam for Chinese students and is very significant for every student. This year, I took the Tianjin college entrance examination and was filled with antition.

The college entrance examination is a comprehensive sment of students' knowledge and abilities. It is not just an entrance ticket, but also a summary of our three years of high school life. Therefore, during the preparation period, I studied hard and tried to improve myself in all aspects.

The college entrance examination is a challenge for me, but I believe that persistence and hard work will lead to good results. During the preparation period, I was good at planning my time reasonably and focused more on studying. I insisted on self-study every day and actively partited in mock exams to improve my test-taking abilities. In addition, I actively partited in various activities to cultivate my comprehensive qualities.

I believe that, regardless of the results, the college entrance examination has played an important role in my growth. It taught me the importance of persistence and how to face challenges. I have learned a lot, and these things will accompany me throughout my life.

No matter what the results are, I will be satisfied with my efforts. Because I know that the college entrance examination is just a starting point on the path of life, and I still have many opportunities to showcase my abilities. I believe that as long as I continue to work hard and pursue my goals, no matter how difficult the future may be, I will be able to succeed.

In conclusion, partiting in the 2019 Tianjin college entrance examination is a valuable experience for me. I will take it as a turning point in my life and continue to work hard, chasing my dreams.


2018 Tianjin College Entrance Examination English Composition


The College Entrance Examination is a crucial stage for students in China. The English composition is one of the key components, which evaluates students' language proficiency, critical thinking, and creativity. Here are some tips on how to write a successful English composition for the 2018 Tianjin College Entrance Examination.

高考是中国学生人生的重要阶段。英语作文是其中关键的组成部分,它评估学生的语言水平、批判性思维和创造力。以下是如何在2018 Tianjin高考中写出成功的英语作文的一些提示。

Firstly, read the instructions and the topic carefully. Make sure you understand what you need to do and what kind of essay you are supposed to write. Is it an argumentative essay, a descriptive essay, or a narrative essay? What is the word count limit? What are the keywords and what kind of language features do you have to use?

首先,仔细阅读指示和主题。确保你理解你需要做什么和你应该写什么样的文章。这是一篇辩论性文章、描写性文章还是叙述性文章?字数限制是什么?有哪些关键字以及你需要使用什么样的语言特征Secondly, plan your essay outline. Organize your ideas and structure your essay before you start writing. A clear structure makes your essay easy to read and understand. A good essay outline should include an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion.


Thirdly, use appropriate vocabulary and grammar. Avoid common mistakes such as confusing "there, their, and they're", "your and you're", and so on. Use a variety of sentence structures and transition words to connect your ideas. A good command of vocabulary and grammar is essential to writing a successful English composition.

第三,使用适当的词汇和语法。避免常见的错误,比如混淆“there, their, and they're”,“your and you're”等。使用各种不同的句型和过渡词来连接你的思路。对词汇和语法的良好掌握对于写一篇成功的英语作文至关重要。

Last but not least, practice, practice, and practice. The more you write, the better you become. Try to write different types of essays on various topics, and get feedback from your teacher or classmates. Work on your weaknesses and improve your strengths.


In conclusion, to write a successful English composition for the 2018 Tianjin College Entrance Examination, you need to follow the instructions carefully, plan your essay outline, use appropriate vocabulary and grammar, and practice as much as possible.




My Hometown

I live in Tianjin, a beautiful city in northern China. It is a modern city with a long history. Tianjin is famous for its unique blend of both Chinese and Western culture.

Tianjin has many attractions for visitors to explore. The Ancient Cultural Street is a great place to experience traditional Chinese culture. The Tianjin Eye, a huge Ferris wheel, offers a stunning view of the city. Another must-visit spot is the Five Great Avenues, where you can see a variety of Western-style buildings. In addition, Tianjin has delicious local cuisine, such as Goubuli steamed buns and Erduoyan fried cakes, which are loved by both locals and tourists.

As a student, I am proud of my hometown's education system. Tianjin has many excellent schools and universities, providing quality education for students. The city also hosts various educational and cultural events, allowing students to broaden their horizons and develop their talents.

I love my hometown Tianjin. It is a place full of history, culture, and opportunities. I am grateful to be able to grow up in such a wonderful city.











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