
关于”7下“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Seven down。以下是关于7下的七年级英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。


关于”7下“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Seven down。以下是关于7下的七年级英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Seven down

My Favorite Hobby

My favorite hobby is reading. I love to spend my free time with a good book. Reading not only helps me relax, but it also broadens my horizons and enriches my knowledge.

I enjoy reading all kinds of books, such as novels, biographies, and science fiction. Novels take me on thrilling adventures and allow me to explore different worlds and cultures. Biographies inspire me with the stories of great people and their achievements. Science fiction books stimulate my imagination with their futuristic ideas and technology.

In addition to the joy and knowledge I gain from reading, it also improves my language skills. I have learned many new words and phrases from books. Reading also enhances my writing skills as I can observe how authors structure their sentences and develop their ideas.

To make reading a part of my daily routine, I set aside some time every day to read. I always carry a book with me so that I can read whenever I have spare time. Sometimes, I even join reading clubs to discuss and share thoughts about the books we have read.

Reading is truly a hobby that brings me joy, knowledge, and inspiration. It is a lifelong passion that I believe everyone should cultivate.








My Daily Routine

I usually wake up at 7 o'clock in the morning. After washing my face and brushing my teeth, I have breakfast at 7:30. My mom usually makes me eggs, bread, and milk. Then, I leave for school at around 8 o'clock.

I have six cl each day, from 8:30 to 4 o'clock in the afternoon. During lunchtime, I eat with my classmates in the school cafeteria. We usually have rice, vegetables, meat, and soup. After school, I go home and have a snack. My favorite is a piece of fruit, like an apple or a banana.

In the evening, I usually have some free time to play games or read books. At 8 o'clock, I start doing my homework. It usually takes me about an hour to finish. After that, I take a shower and get ready for bed. I usually go to sleep at around 10 o'clock.






Today is my twelfth birthday. My parents held a party for me in the park. All my friends came to the party.

They said happy birthday to me and brought me all kinds of gifts. We sang, danced and played games together. At noon, we had Sichuan food in the restaurant.

It was really delicious.






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