
关于”演讲稿“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Speech Draft。以下是关于演讲稿的高中英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。


关于”演讲稿“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Speech Draft。以下是关于演讲稿的高中英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Speech Draft

Speech Writing in English

As an English expert, I have encountered many students who struggle with writing a speech in English. It is not an easy task to write a speech that is both effective and engaging, especially in a language that is not your first language. However, there are certain tips and tricks that can help you in writing a speech in English.


Firstly, it is important to identify your audience and purpose of the speech. Are you speaking to a group of students or professionals? Is the purpose of your speech to inform, persuade, or entertain? Understanding these factors will help you tailor your language and tone to suit your audience and purpose.


Secondly, structure your speech in a clear and concise manner. Begin with a strong opening that grabs your audience's attention, followed by a clear introduction of the topic. The body of your speech should include key points and supporting evidence to reinforce your arguments. End with a memorable conclusion that summarizes your main points and leaves a lasting impression on your audience.


Thirdly, use language and delivery techniques to engage your audience. This includes using rhetorical devices such as metaphors and similes, using humor to lighten the mood, and changing your tone and pace to emphasize important points. The use of visual aids such as slides or props can also enhance the effectiveness of your speech.


In conclusion, writing a speech in English may seem daunting, but with careful planning and attention to detail, it can be a rewarding experience. Remember to identify your audience and purpose, structure your speech clearly, and engage your audience with language and delivery techniques. With these tips, you can deliver a powerful and effective speech in English.



Coldplay never intended to be the most popular son of rock and roll in the UK, when their signature rock melodies dominated the charts of British rock quartets, Chris Martin (lead singer / Piano) Jon Buckland (guitarist) and guy buryman (bass) were eager to mix together. During their studies at University College London, they were all from ten I started playing musical instruments at the age of a few years and was influenced by Bob Dylan, stone rose, Neil Young and my lover. The CD / DVD package was released in the autumn of that year.

This al captures the band's performance, and the HORDEN Pavilion in Sydney, Australia, highlights Coldplay's global success with a surge of blood. They are real pop stars, especially Martin, who have gained more fame on the celebrity list. In December, Paltrow married actress Gwyneth Paltrow and gave birth to the couple's first daughter, apple Blythe Alison Being a father in the next April didn't stop Martin from working, because Coldplay began recording material for his third al in a few weeks, after material previously recorded with longtime producer Ken Nelson was cancelled and Morrissey (the Cure) joined Coldplay to complete the recording of X & Y sonic, the first single for the band's long-awaited third spring concert, followed by the release of Mackenzie Wilson's full music guide in June.


酷玩乐队从未打算成为英国最受欢迎的摇滚乐之子,当时他们标志性的摇滚旋律统治着整个英国摇滚四重奏的排行榜,克里斯·马丁(主唱/钢琴)乔恩·巴克兰(吉他将冠军(鼓手)和盖伊·伯里曼(男低音)渴望混在一起,在伦敦大学学院学习期间,他们都是从十几岁就开始演奏乐器,并受到鲍勃·迪伦、石头玫瑰、尼尔·杨和我的血腥情人的影响。CD/DVD套装于当年秋季发行。这张专辑捕捉了乐队的演出澳大利亚悉尼的霍尔登展馆(Horden Pavilion)以一股热血冲天的风潮,凸显了酷玩在全球的巨大成功。

他们是真正的流行歌星,特别是马丁,在名人榜上获得了更高的名望,去年12月,帕特洛与女演员格温妮丝·帕特洛结婚,并生下了这对夫妇的第一个女儿,苹果布莱斯·艾莉森·马丁(Apple Blythe Alison Martin)在接下来的4月做父亲并没有阻止马丁的工作,因为酷玩在几周内就开始为第三张专辑录制素材,之前与长期制作人肯·纳尔逊(Ken Nelson)录制的材料早早被取消,而丹顿·索普(Morrissey,(the Cure)加入Coldplay完成了X&Y“音速”的录制,这是该乐队期待已久的第三次春季演唱会的首张单曲,随后于6月推出了全音乐指南MacKenzie Wilson。


A Japanese animation called freeis is is very popular now. This animation is adapted from "high speed". The main character of this animation is a sopre from Haruka nanasea high school.

He was good at freestyle in primary school. Four members of the swimming club won the championship before graduation, and then separated. This is a story about swimming, youth and friendship.


一部名为Freeis的日本动画现在很流行这部动画改编自“High☆Speed”的动画主角是Haruka NanaseA高中二年级的学生他在小学时期擅长自由泳,游泳俱乐部的四名成员在毕业前获得冠军,然后却各自离开,这是一个关于游泳、青春和友谊的故事。





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