
关于”700字左右“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:about 700 words。以下是关于700字左右的小学英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。


关于”700字左右“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:about 700 words。以下是关于700字左右的小学英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:about 700 words

Nowadays, more and more people, especially s or s, spend most of their free time at home, especially during holidays. Some people spend most of their time chatting online, blogging, shopping, dating or playing computer games - some people sit there staring at the TV screen. When it comes to this way of killing time, people have different opinions.

Many people think that staying indoors is cheaper, more comfortable and, most importantly, very safe. However, other people do not agree with staying indoors for too long. They are worried that lack of physical exercise and face-to-face communication with others will cause harm.

For people's body and mind, I don't think it is necessary to advocate staying indoors for most of the day. People of all ages should be encouraged to spend more time outdoors if their physical conditions permit. Fresh air, bright sunshine, pleasant green space and communication with people are beneficial to people's physical and mental health.











How to Stay Healthy

Health is one of the most important parts of people's lives. Keeping healthy can make us more energetic and make our lives more meaningful and enjoyable. So how to stay healthy?

Firstly, we need to have a healthy eating habit. We need to intake enough water and various nutrients, such as protein, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals. We should try to avoid too much junk food and too much sugar. In addition, we should eat a variety of colored fruits and vegetables, because they contain various healthy ingredients.

Secondly, we should do moderate exercise. Exercise can make our body stronger and healthier, and help us relieve stress and anxiety. We can choose our favorite exercise, such as running, swimming, yoga, and so on. It is important to keep it regular and persistent.

Furthermore, we should ensure adequate sleep. Sleep is an important way for our body and brain to recover and rest. Adults should sleep 7-8 hours per night, and children need longer sleep time. At the same time, we should maintain a good sleeping environment, such as a quiet, comfortable, and clean bedroom.

Finally, we should avoid bad habits such as smoking, drinking, and drug use. These bad habits seriously affect our health and life, and should be avoided as much as possible.

In summary, staying healthy requires our efforts and persistence. Only by developing healthy daily habits can we live healthier and happier lives.


China can't be without a king. Home is not a day without owners. We are not a day without sports.

Our body and the most important thing is health. Health is closely related to sports. We should do more exercise, be healthy and have good physical and mental health.

Therefore, I like sports. I like running. It is the simplest and most effective sport.

I like jogging because I don't want to miss it With many beautiful scenery, people and things can be sent to promote curiosity. If I jog, I can regard them as good memories, but not every morning. When the sun rises and leaves fall from the trees, when the sun goes through the leaves, I love jogging.

On the one hand, I feel the gift of nature and enjoy the infinite fun of sports. That hard day, when I go down the mountain, I love jogging Wait, the leaves are no longer light, no longer light, leave the ground, I love jogging, looking at the orange curve left by the sun grandfather, from the far green start in the rural scenery of physical education class, I like jogging, because I want to run after them, watching the students at the door come back, I want to put them in my eyes, in my heart, also in my memory, from People from all over the world are set in a class, which is also fate. I don't want to miss such a good memory.

This year is the Olympic year and the symbol of sports. I love jogging. I like sports because it is the symbol of our health and the real association of our soul.

I hope everyone has a favorite sports life and sports. Sports can improve human health and exercise can also bring To have fun, so I love sports. I love running.

I remember running when I was a child. Running is very slow. My two-year-old sister runs faster than me.

I never admit defeat. I began to practice running in the morning. Before morning, I got up, ran on the playground near the school, had dinner, and took my sister to play games.

No matter how hard I tried, I would run.







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