
关于”时间写在哪“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Time is written where。以下是关于时间写在哪的四年级英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。


关于”时间写在哪“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Time is written where。以下是关于时间写在哪的四年级英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Time is written where

Where to Write the Date in an English Composition

When writing an English composition, it is essential to include the date. The inclusion of the date helps to establish the temporal context of the piece and serves as a reference point for future readers. However, the placement of the date can vary depending on the cultural and linguistic conventions. In English compositions, there are two common ways to write the date: the British format and the American format.


In the British format, the date is written with the day first, followed by the month, and then the year. For example, if the composition is written on October 12, 2022, it would be presented as "12th October 2022." The day is followed by the ordinal suffix, such as "th" for most days, "st" for the first day of the month, "nd" for the second day, and "rd" for the third day. Commas are not typically used in the British format.

在英式写法中,日期的写法是先写天,然后是月份,最后是年份。例如,如果作文是在2022年10月12日写的,应写为"12th October 2022"。天数后跟着序数词尾缀,例如对大多数天数使用"th",对月份的第一天使用"st",第二天使用"nd",第三天使用"rd"。英式写法中通常不使用逗号。

On the other hand, the American format places the month first, followed by the day, and then the year. In this format, the composition written on October 12, 2022, would be presented as "October 12, 2022." The American format does not use ordinal suffixes for the day, and it employs a comma to separate the day and the year.

另一方面,美式写法将月份放在第一位,然后是日期,最后是年份。以2022年10月12日写的作文在这种格式中应写为"October 12, 2022"。美式写法不使用天数的序数词尾缀,并且在日期和年份之间使用逗号进行分隔。

Therefore, when writing an English composition, it is crucial to consider the format of the date based on the intended audience or the specific guidelines provided. Both the British and American formats are widely accepted, and it is advisable to follow the conventions of the target audience to ensure effective communication.


In conclusion, the date should be included in an English composition to provide a time reference for readers. The British format, with the day followed by the month, and the American format, with the month followed by the day, are the two commonly used formats. Adhering to the appropriate format based on the target audience or specific guidelines is crucial to ensure clear and effective communication in written English.




Last week, I partited in the school competition.


在这个例子中,时间“last week”写在了文章的开头。


At 2 o'clock in the afternoon, the competition officially began.




Where should the time be written in English composition

In English composition, it is very important to indicate the time, which can help readers better understand and yze the content of the article. So, where should the time be written in English composition?

Generally speaking, time should be written at the beginning of the article or the first sentence of the paragraph. For example, if you want to write an article about your partition in a school competition, you can write like this:

Last week, I partited in the school competition.

In this example, the time "last week" is written at the beginning of the article.

In addition, when mentioning the time again in the article, it should also indicate the specific time point. For example:

At 2 o'clock in the afternoon, the competition officially began.

It should be noted that there are many ways to express time in English composition, such as time points, days of the week, dates, time periods, etc. Therefore, before writing, one should be familiar with these expressions in order to express time correctly.

In short, indicating the time is crucial for a clear and clear English composition, and should be reflected in the appropriate place.





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