
关于”二大“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Two major。以下是关于二大的高中英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。


关于”二大“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Two major。以下是关于二大的高中英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Two major

There is a big difference between Wuhan and Xiaogan. There are too many people in Wuhan. You can't take the bus easily on weekends.

But in Xiaogan, the situation is much better. The environment in Xiaogan is not as good as that in Wuhan. The streets in Wuhan are cleaner than those in Xiaogan.

I think the people in the two places are different. Some people are not very friendly, but the people in Xiaogan need help When you are willing to help you, Wuhan and Xiaogan are totally different.




I have a very good friend. As far as I know, his name is Philip. He was very kind and generous when I was in high school.

He was friendly and sincere to me when I was happy. He was also very happy when I was sad. When I failed, he always comforted me.

When I fell down, he always encouraged me. He always pulled me up, although we sometimes quarreled together We have a good relationship and we can get to know each other better after the quarrel. When my birthday comes, he always gives me a special gift.

He is very diligent and smart. He always studies hard at school. He always does well in the exam.

His spoken English is better than me most of the time. He is willing to chat with me in English. Thanks to his help, my oral English has made great progress.




I heard that the following poignant and funny narration is based on the actual events that happened at the same time: the old abbot of a temple suffered from severe toothache, which made him weak and affected his nerves. It was mean for him to be hospitalized, which made him reflect on the importance of practice before the end of his life. He wanted to practice well.

A young disciple of the abbot suffered from it A terrible stroke such a terrible stroke so bad is that it makes it weaken and affect his nerve, literally affecting his nerve the length of hospital stay is boring for him ԡ this makes him reflect on the importance of entertainment before his time in this hospital is used up before his time in this hospital is used up ԡ ԡ 13;.


我听说,的辛酸和搞笑的叙述是基于同时发生的实际事件:一个寺庙的老修道院院长牙痛得很厉害,这让他虚弱不堪,简直影响了他的神经,住院对他来说是卑微的,这让他在此生的时间用完之前,反思修行的重要性想修行得好 方丈方丈的一个年轻弟子 患了一次可怕的中风 如此恶劣的是它使它衰弱影响他的神经字面上影响了他的神经 医院的住院时间对他来说很无聊 这使他反思了 关于娱乐的重要性 在他在这家医院的时间用完之前 13。





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