
关于”下册12单元“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Lower Volume 12。以下是关于下册12单元的初一英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。


关于”下册12单元“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Lower Volume 12。以下是关于下册12单元的初一英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Lower Volume 12

My Favorite Animal


My favorite animal is a panda. It is a kind of bear and lives in China. Pandas have a black and white fur coat, which makes them look very cute.


Pandas eat bamboo, and they can eat up to 40 pounds of bamboo in a day. They spend most of their time eating and sleeping. Pandas are very good climbers and can climb trees easily.


Pandas are endangered animals, which means there are not many of them left in the world. It is very important for us to protect them and their habitat.


I like pandas because they are adorable and gentle. Whenever I see a panda, it makes me happy. I hope that more people can learn about pandas and join us in protecting them.



Unit 12: What’s Your Dream Job?

My Dream Job

My dream job is to be a teacher. I have always loved learning and I want to share my knowledge with others. I think teaching is a very important job because teachers help students grow and develop.

In order to become a teacher, I need to study hard and get a degree in education. I also need to gain experience by working as a teacher’s assistant or student teacher.

I hope to teach in a middle school or high school. I want to teach English and inspire my students to love reading and writing. I also want to help my students develop critical thinking skills and prepare them for college and their future careers.

I know it will take a lot of hard work and dedication to become a teacher, but I am willing to do whatever it takes to achieve my dream.







(1) in our class, my schoolbag is on the desk in the claoom, on the blackboard on the wall, behind the bed under the chair under the tree, beside the tree behind the door, beside the bed near the teacher's desk, at the door of the school, a picture of our claoom a / an / the is a cat. This is an English book. His father is an English book A worker who is a boy in a hat.

What can you see in the claoom? I can see a bag. What is there on the desk? There are some books on the desk. Lucy has some good books.

Is there any ink in your pen? Do you have brothers and sisters? There is no water in the glass? (2) some. Do you want some apples? Any one of us can do this for any family ”"It's family, because my family is a big family. My family are all at home now.

My family are all workers. My family is in Beijing. He is not at home now.

This is a picture of my family. A little dog a little boy is young." time is running out. There is not much water in the cup.

(2) under the chair behind the chair on the table, she has a teacher under the chair in the pencil box beside the door I think it's Li Lei. What can you see in the picture? I can see the clock / some books. You can see an orange.

Yes, I can / no, I can't. It's near Hong Kong. Let me see "please sit down" "sit down" "Kate's father Kate my mother's friend's "" teacher's Day boy's game "" children's Day Women's Day Lucy and Lily's room Lucy Lily Kate and Jim's father Kate Jim's map of China her cat's name my family's photo please go and have a look in the bedroom door, please don't read your book, don't play on the road, there are "have" + "have" + "have" + "have" + "have" + "have an eraser and Two pens on the desk there are two pens and an eraser on the desk no + NO + (any) + + there is no cat in the room, there is no book on the desk, there is + (any) + + yes, no, there is no dog in the picture yes, there is no boat in the river, there are not many people (+ "there is one / there are two / three / some one / how many students are there in the claoom only one / nine /How much water is in the cup, and how much food is in the bowl.






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