
关于”里最难忘的一件事“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:The most unforgettable thing。以下是关于里最难忘的一件事的高中英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。


关于”里最难忘的一件事“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:The most unforgettable thing。以下是关于里最难忘的一件事的高中英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The most unforgettable thing

The Most Unforgettable Event in University Life


As an English student, I have encountered many remarkable experiences during my time in university. However, if I were to choose the most unforgettable event, it would be the day I partited in a speech competition.


It all started when my English professor announced the news about an upcoming university-wide speech competition. Being passionate about public speaking and eager to challenge myself, I decided to sign up. The topic for the competition was "The Role of Education in Shaping the Future".


To prepare for the competition, I spent days researching and collecting information about the topic. I wrote and revised my speech multiple times, paying attention to the structure, coherence, and persuasiveness of my arguments. I also practiced speaking in front of a mirror and with my friends to improve my delivery and confidence.


Finally, the day of the competition arrived. I was nervous but excited as I stepped onto the stage. The room was filled with fellow students, teachers, and judges. I took a deep breath and began my speech. As I spoke, I felt a sense of empowerment and confidence, knowing that my words were being heard and appreciated.


After my speech, there was a moment of silence before the room erupted into applause. The feeling of accomplishment and pride overwhelmed me. Even though I did not win the competition, I was grateful for the experience and the opportunity to share my thoughts on such an important topic.


This event taught me the value of perseverance, preparation, and the importance of seizing opportunities. It also helped me grow as a student and as an individual by pushing me out of my comfort zone and encouraging me to explore new challenges.


In conclusion, partiting in the speech competition was undoubtedly the most unforgettable event in my university life. It challenged me mentally, emotionally, and academically, leaving a lasting impact on my personal and academic development.



1. Public speaking: the act of delivering a speech or presentation in front of an audience

2. Challenge myself: push oneself to overcome difficulties or limitations

3. Structure: the way in which the parts of something are arranged or organized

4. Coherence: the quality of being logical and consistent

5. Persuasiveness: the ability to convince or influence someone through reasoning or argumentation

6. Empowerment: the process of gaining greater control and confidence in one's capabilities

7. Accomplishment: a task or goal successfully achieved

8. Perseverance: persistence in doing something despite facing obstacles or difficulties

9. Comfort zone: a situation or routine that feels familiar and comfortable

10. Seize opportunities: take advantage of favorable cirtances to achieve a desired outcome


1. Public speaking:在观众面前发表演讲或演讲的行为

2. Challenge myself:迫使自己克服困难或限制

3. Structure:某物的部分排列或组织方式

4. Coherence:逻辑和一致性的质量

5. Persuasiveness:通过推理或辩论说服或影响某人的能力

6. Empowerment:获得对自身能力更大的掌控和信心的过程

7. Accomplishment:成功实现的任务或目标

8. Perseverance:尽管面临困难或困难也要坚持做某事

9. Comfort zone:感到熟悉和舒适的情况或例程

10. Seize opportunities:利用有利的条件来实现所需的结果


(one thing I can't forget) I like playing computer games, but my father is not happy because he thinks it's not good for my study. Sometimes I feel that I am not a free boy. When my father is so strict with me, I try to talk to my father.

He says he is very happy because I talk to him. Now he let me play games. If I learn from this well, I understand that friendly conversation can help people get along well.




One of the most unforgettable events in my life occurred during my senior year of high school. It was the annual school talent show where students showcased their unique abilities and skills. Being an introverted individual, I had always shied away from public performances. However, this year was different as I decided to step out of my comfort zone and partite in the talent show.


With days of practice and preparation, I chose to sing a popular song in front of the entire school. The thought of standing on the stage, under the spotlight, filled me with both excitement and nervousness. As the day of the talent show approached, my anxiety level increased but I reminded myself of the importance of facing my fears and embracing new experiences.


Finally, the day of the talent show arrived. As I stood backstage, waiting for my turn, my heart raced with antition. When my name was called, I took a deep breath and stepped onto the stage. As the music began, my nerves disappeared, and I poured my heart and soul into the song.


To my surprise, the audience erupted into applause at the end of my performance. It was an overwhelming feeling to see the entire school standing and cheering for me. In that moment, I realized the power of stepping out of my comfort zone and embracing new opportunities.


This unforgettable event taught me the importance of taking risks and not letting fear hold me back. It also showed me that sometimes the most rewarding experiences come from pushing ourselves beyond our limits. I will always cherish the memories of that talent show and the valuable lesson it taught me.






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