
关于”向外国友人介绍李白“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Introduce Li Bai to foreign friends。以下是关于向外国友人介绍李白的初一英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。


关于”向外国友人介绍李白“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Introduce Li Bai to foreign friends。以下是关于向外国友人介绍李白的初一英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Introduce Li Bai to foreign friends

Introduction to Tang Poetry

Tang poetry, renowned as the pinnacle of Chinese literature, is a poetic form that flourished during the Tang Dynasty (618-907 AD). It is characterized by its exquisite artistic techniques, profound sentiments, and vivid descriptions of nature and human emotions.

Tang poetry covers a wide range of themes, including love, nature, friendship, and philosophical reflections. One of the most distinctive features of Tang poetry is its concise and refined language, often employing various rhetorical devices such as metaphors, similes, and allusions, which enhance the beauty and depth of the poems.

The poets of the Tang Dynasty, such as Li Bai, Du Fu, and Wang Wei, are the most renowned representatives of this poetic era. Their works captivate readers with their emotional intensity and lyrical beauty. For example, Li Bai's poem "Quiet Night Thoughts" expresses the poet's lonely feelings as he contemplates the moon's reflection on his bed. Du Fu's poem "Spring Prospect" vividly portrays the arrival of spring after a long winter, bringing hope and joy to people's hearts. Wang Wei's poem "Deer Enclosure" depicts a peaceful scene of deer wandering freely in the mountains.

Tang poetry, with its profound cultural meaning and artistic qualities, has not only exerted a far-reaching impact on Chinese literature but has also been recognized and appreciated by people all over the world. Its translation into English and other languages has allowed people from different cultures to savor the beauty and essence of this ancient Chinese poetic form.







Introduction to Chinese New Year

Chinese New Year, also known as Spring Festival, is the most important traditional holiday in China. It is celebrated on the first day of the Chinese lunar calendar, which falls between the end of January and mid-February. The festival lasts for 15 days and is filled with various customs and traditions.




One of the most distinctive decorations during Chinese New Year is red- the color symbolizing good luck and happiness. Red lanterns, couplets, and papercuts can be seen everywhere. People also decorate their homes with blooming flowers, such as plum blossoms, orchids, and peonies, to bring good fortune in the coming year.



Traditions and Celebrations

Chinese New Year is a time for family reunions, and it is common for people to travel back to their hometowns to celebrate with their loved ones. During the festival, families gather for festive meals, exchange gifts, and give out red envelopes (hongbao) containing money to bring good fortune. Fireworks and firecrackers are set off to ward off evil spirits and welcome the new year.



Symbolic Animals

Each year in the Chinese zodiac cycle is associated with an animal sign. The upcoming year can be the Year of the Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Sheep, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, or Pig. These animals are often depicted in decorations and celebrations.



In conclusion, Chinese New Year, with its vibrant celebrations, rich traditions, and meaningful customs, is an important time for Chinese people to welcome the coming year and wish for prosperity and happiness. It is truly a festive and joyous occasion that brings together families and communities.




As an excellent student, I would like to introduce the great Chinese poet Li Bai to my foreign friends by writing this essay.


Li Bai, also known as Li Bo, is one of the most famous poets in Chinese history. He was born in central China in 701 AD during the Tang Dynasty, and his works have been widely read and admired for over a millennium.


Li Bai's poetry often celebrated nature, love, and . He also wrote about his experiences traveling across China, and many of his poems contain vivid descriptions of the country's mountains, rivers, and cities.


One of Li Bai's most famous poems is "Drinking Alone by Moonlight." It describes the poet enjoying a solitary drink in a quiet garden, with only the moon and his own reflection to keep him company.


Here is an English translation of the poem:


Beneath the crescent moon's faint glow

the washerman's bat resounds afar,

and the autumn breeze sighs tenderly.

But my heart has gone to the Tartar war,

to bleak Kansuh and the steppes of snow,

calling my husband back to me.







As you can see, Li Bai's poetry is both beautiful and profound, and it continues to be beloved by readers all over the world.


In conclusion, I would highly recommend my foreign friends to read Li Bai's works, as they offer a unique perspective on Chinese culture and history. As Li Bai once wrote, "Amidst the flowers, I linger on. / I speak my heart, to whom shall I confide?" Let us all take a moment to appreciate the beauty of his words and the depth of his emotions.






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