
关于”三级“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Three Level。以下是关于三级的专业英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。


关于”三级“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Three Level。以下是关于三级的专业英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Three Level

In response to customers' demands, the author tries to correct mistakes, restore customer confidence, and promote future business. Read the following complaints about inferior products and write a reply letter. I bought a desk of Brand X from you in August.

Since then, several problems have arisen: the file drawer handle in the lower left drawer has fallen off the drawer in the upper right corner. The lock on the middle drawer doesn't work since I started. This table only took two weeks.

It was brand new when I bought it. I'm very disappointed with its overall quality. I ask you to replace a table with the same size and function.

Our models look very equal. What I can accept is model Brand X) and model brand y). Thank you for your help in this matter Waiting for your reply.




During the long holidays, I usually like to go to one of many museums, such as the art museum, the history museum, the natural history museum, the science and Technology Museum and so on. There are many interesting things in museums, such as paintings, pottery, sculpture, clothing, swords, ancient animal bones and plants, animal specimens, antique steam locomotives, and many others - visiting these museums is always a good historical review.




A Remarkable Student


In every school, there are always a few students who stand out due to their exceptional qualities and achievements. Today, I would like to introduce an outstanding student in my school, whose name is Jack.


To begin with, Jack is an exceptional academic performer. He consistently achieves top grades in all subjects and has an insatiable thirst for knowledge. Whether it is mathematics, English, science, or history, Jack puts in maximum effort to excel in every subject. Moreover, he actively partites in class discussions and contributes valuable insights to enhance the learning experience for all students.


Furthermore, Jack is an exemplary leader in his school. He has been elected as the class monitor for three consecutive years, which demonstrates the trust and respect his classmates have for him. Whenever conflicts arise, Jack is always there to mediate and find a resolution. He is known for his excellent communication skills and ability to bring people together. Whether it is organizing school events or leading group projects, Jack successfully manages and motivates his teammates.


Lastly, Jack possesses excellent character traits. He is humble, kind, and always willing to lend a helping hand. He actively partites in volunteer work and has made significant contributions to his community. Whether it is raising funds for charity organizations or assisting the elderly, Jack consistently demonstrates empathy and compassion towards others.


In conclusion, Jack is truly an exceptional student who excels academically, showcases strong leadership skills, and possesses admirable character traits. His determination, hard work, and dedication serve as an inspiration to his peers and make him a remarkable individual in our school community.


(Word count: 332)




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