
关于”2021年30篇必背“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:In 2021, the 30 most essential pieces。以下是关于2021年30篇必背的高考英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。


关于”2021年30篇必背“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:In 2021, the 30 most essential pieces。以下是关于2021年30篇必背的高考英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:In 2021, the 30 most essential pieces


1. My Hometown 我的家乡

My hometown is a small town in the countryside. It is surrounded by beautiful mountains and rivers. The air is fresh and the scenery is picturesque. The people here are friendly and kind. I love my hometown.


2. My Favorite Book 我最喜欢的书

My favorite book is "Pride and Prejudice" written by Jane Austen. This classic novel depicts the story of Elizabeth Bennet and Mr. Darcy. It explores themes of love, class, and the importance of self-awareness. I love the witty dialogue and the memorable characters in this book.


3. My Dream Job 我的梦想职业

My dream job is to become a doctor. I have always been interested in the medical field and helping others. I want to make a difference in people's lives by providing medical care and saving lives. Becoming a doctor requires years of hard work and dedication, but I believe it will be worth it.


4. The Importance of Education 教育的重要性

Education plays a crucial role in shaping individuals and societies. It provides knowledge and skills that empower people to succeed in life. Education not only helps individuals in their personal growth but also contributes to the development of a nation. It is through education that we can create a better future for ourselves and for the world.


5. My Favorite Hobby 我最喜欢的爱好

My favorite hobby is playing the piano. I have been playing the piano for many years and it brings me great joy and satisfaction. I love the sound of the piano and the feeling of creating music. Playing the piano helps me relax and express myself. It is a form of self-expression that brings me happiness.


6. The Importance of Friendship 友谊的重要性

Friendship is an essential part of life. It provides support, companionship, and a sense of belonging. Friends are there for us in good times and bad times. They provide a listening ear, offer advice, and share experiences. A strong network of friends can make life more enjoyable and meaningful.


7. The Impact of Social Media 社交媒体的影响

Social media has revolutionized the way we communicate and interact with others. It has connected people from all over the world and made information easily accessible. However, it also has its drawbacks. Social media can be addictive and lead to a decrease in face-to-face interactions. It can also be a platform for cyberbullying and misinformation. It is important to use social media responsibly and maintain a healthy balance between online and offline activities.


8. The Importance of Physical Exercise 体育锻炼的重要性

Physical exercise is essential for maintaining good health. It helps strengthen muscles, improve cardiovascular health, and boost mental well-being. Regular exercise can reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. It is important to incorporate physical activity into our daily lives to lead a healthy and active lifestyle.


9. The Importance of Learning a Second Language 学习第二语言的重要性

Learning a second language has many benefits. It enhances cognitive abilities, improves memory, and increases cultural awareness. It also opens up opportunities for personal and professional growth. Being bilingual or multilingual can lead to better job prospects and increased intercultural communication skills. It is never too late to start learning a new language.


10. The Impact of Climate Change 气候变化的影响

Climate change is a global issue that affects the entire planet. It is caused by human activities such as the burning of fossil fuels and deforestation. Climate change leads to rising temperatures, melting ice caps, and extreme weather events. It also threatens ecosystems, biodiversity, and food security. It is important for individuals and governments to take action to mitigate climate change and protect the environment.


11. The Importance of Time Management 时间管理的重要性

Time management is a crucial skill for success in all aspects of life. It helps us prioritize tasks, set goals, and make the most of our time. Effective time management allows us to be more productive, reduce stress, and achieve a better work-life balance. It is important to develop good time management habits early on to ensure success in the future.


12. The Importance of Volunteering 志愿工作的重要性

Volunteering is a meaningful way to give back to the community and make a positive impact. It allows us to contribute our time and skills to help others in need. Volunteering not only benefits the recipients of our help but also brings personal fulfillment and a sense of purpose. It is important to find a cause or organization that resonates with our values and interests and get involved in a difference.


13. The Importance of Mental Health 心理健康的重要性

Mental health is just as important as physical health. It affects our thoughts, feelings, and behavior. Taking care of our mental health is


1. My Family


My family has four members: my father, my mother, my sister and me. My father is a doctor, my mother is a teacher, and my sister and I are both students. We love each other very much.


2. My School


My school is a beautiful place with many trees and flowers. There are many claooms, a library, a computer room, a playground and a can in my school. I study hard and play happily at school.


3. My Hobbies


My hobbies are reading books, playing basketball and listening to music. I like reading books because it can help me learn many knowledge. I like playing basketball because it is a team sport and it can make me strong. I like listening to music because it can make me relaxed.


4. My Favorite Animal


My favorite animal is a panda. Pandas are very cute and lovely. They have black and white fur and they eat bamboo. I went to the zoo once and I saw many pandas there. They were playing and eating bamboo. I like pandas very much.


5. My Favorite Food


My favorite food is pizza. Pizza is a kind of Italian food. It has a round shape and is usually covered with tomato sauce, cheese and vegetables. I like pizza because it is delicious and easy to eat. I always eat pizza with my family on weekends.


6. My Claoom


My claoom is big and bright. There are many desks and chairs in it. There is a blackboard, a projector and an air conditioner in my claoom. I like my claoom because it is a good place for me to learn and grow.


7. My Best Friend


My best friend's name is Lucy. She is a kind and friendly girl. We meet each other at school and we often play together after school. We like reading books and playing sports together. She is a very important person in my life.


8. My Favorite Season


My favorite season is spring. In spring, everything comes back to life. The flowers bloom and the birds sing. The weather is warm and sunny. I like playing outside in spring.


9. My Favorite Toy


My favorite toy is a teddy bear. It is very soft and cute. I got it from my parents on my birthday. I like to hug it when I sleep. It makes me feel safe and warm.


10. My Day


I usually get up at 6:30 in the morning. Then I brush my teeth and wash my face. After that, I have breakfast and go to school. I study at school from 8:00 am to 3:00 pm. After school, I have some activities, such as playing sports, reading books, and watching TV. I usually go to bed at 9:30 pm.


11. My City


I live in a beautiful city called Beijing. Beijing is the capital of China. There are many famous places in Beijing, such as the Great Wall, the Forbidden City, and the Summer Palace. Beijing is a big and modern city. I love my city.


12. My Favorite Sport


My favorite sport is swimming. Swimming is a good exercise for our body. It can make me strong and healthy. I like to swim in the pool with my friends. It is very fun.


13. My Favorite Color


My favorite color is blue. Blue is the color of the sky and the sea. It is a cool and peaceful color. I like to wear blue clothes and use blue things. Blue makes me feel calm and relaxed.


14. My Favorite Festival


My favorite festival is the Spring Festival. The Spring Festival is the most important festival in China. People usually celebrate it with their families. They eat dumplings and watch the Spring Festival


As an outstanding student, I would like to share with you the 30 must-know English essays for the 2021 college entrance examination.

1. My Dream Job


2. The Importance of Education


3. The Impact of Technology on Society


4. Climate Change and Its Consequences


5. The Significance of Cultural Diversity


6. The Benefits and Disadvantages of Globalization


7. The Future of Artificial Intelligence


8. The Role of Women in Society


9. Environmental Protection


10. The Definition of Success


11. Social Media and Its Impact on Relationships


12. The Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Learning


13. The Importance of Volunteer Work


14. The Relationship between Money and Happiness


15. The Ideal Way of Spending Leisure Time


16. The Positive and Negative Aspects of Advertising


17. The Benefits and Drawbacks of Urbanization


18. Animal Rights


19. The Importance of Family Relationships


20. The Positive and Negative Effects of Social Networking Sites


21. The Advantages and Disadvantages of Living in a City


22. The Role of Teachers in Students' Life


23. Teenagers' Problems and Solutions


24. The Benefits and Drawbacks of Studying Abroad


25. The Importance of Physical Exercise and Healthy Eating Habits


26. The Advantages and Disadvantages of Tourism


27. The Importance of Time Management


28. The Pros and Cons of Using Mobile Phones


29. The Influence of Music on People's Lives


30. The Importance of Learning English


These are the 30 essential English essays that you need to master for the college entrance examination in 2021. I hope this list will help you prepare well for the exam and achieve your academic goals.


1. My Dream Job(我的梦想职业)

2. The Importance of Education(教育的重要性)

3. The Impact of Technology on Society(技术对社会的影响)

4. Climate Change and Its Consequences(气候变化及其后果)

5. The Significance of Cultural Diversity(文化多样性的重要性)

6. The Benefits and Disadvantages of Globalization(全球化的利与弊)

7. The Future of Artificial Intelligence(人工智能的未来)

8. The Role of Women in Society(女性在社会中的角色)

9. Environmental Protection(环境保护)

10. The Definition of Success(成功的定义)

11. Social Media and Its Impact on Relationships(社交媒体对人际关系的影响)

12. The Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Learning(在线学习的优点和缺点)

13. The Importance of Volunteer Work(志愿工作的重要性)

14. The Relationship between Money and Happiness(金钱与幸福的关系)

15. The Ideal Way of Spending Leisure Time(理想的闲暇方式)

16. The Positive and Negative Aspects of Advertising(广告的正面和负面方面)

17. The Benefits and Drawbacks of Urbanization(城市化的好处和坏处)

18. Animal Rights(动物权利)

19. The Importance of Family Relationships(家庭关系的重要性)

20. The Positive and Negative Effects of Social Networking Sites(社交网站的正面和负面影响)

21. The Advantages and Disadvantages of Living in a City(生活在城市里的优点和缺点)

22. The Role of Teachers in Students' Life(老师在学生生活中的作用)

23. Teenagers' Problems and Solutions(青少年的问题和解决方法)

24. The Benefits and Drawbacks of Studying Abroad(留学的好处和坏处)

25. The Importance of Physical Exercise and Healthy Eating Habits(体育锻炼和健康饮食习惯的重要性)

26. The Advantages and Disadvantages of Tourism(旅游的优点和缺点)

27. The Importance of Time Management(时间管理的重要性)

28. The Pros and Cons of Using Mobile Phones(使用手机的利与弊)

29. The Influence of Music on People's Lives(音乐对人们生活的影响)

30. The Importance of Learning English(学习英语的重要性)






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