
关于”看图句型“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Look at the sentence pattern。以下是关于看图句型的九年级英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。


关于”看图句型“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Look at the sentence pattern。以下是关于看图句型的九年级英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Look at the sentence pattern

1. Introduction

模板:The topic of (文章主题) has become a controversial issue recently. Some people argue that (论点一), while others believe that (论点二). In this essay, I will explore both sides of the argument and offer my own perspective.

例句:The topic of animal testing has become a controversial issue recently. Some people argue that it is necessary for scientific research, while others believe that it is unethical and inhumane. In this essay, I will explore both sides of the argument and offer my own perspective.

2. Advantages and disadvantages

模板:There are both advantages and disadvantages to (文章主题). On the one hand, (优点一). On the other hand, (缺点一). Nevertheless, (文章主题) is still a topic worthy of discussion.

例句:There are both advantages and disadvantages to social media. On the one hand, it allows people to connect with one another and share information easily. On the other hand, it can be a source of addiction and cyberbullying. Nevertheless, social media is still a topic worthy of discussion.

3. Causes and effects

模板:There are several causes leading to (文章主题). First, (原因一). Second, (原因二). As a result, (影响一). Moreover, (影响二) is also a consequence of (文章主题).

例句:There are several causes leading to air pollution. First, the emission from factories and vehicles releases harmful substances into the air. Second, the burning of fossil fuels contributes to the buildup of greenhouse gases. As a result, respiratory problems and global warming are the main consequences of air pollution.

4. Comparing and contrasting

模板:(主题一) and (主题二) have both similarities and differences. One similarity is (相似点一). However, there are also several differences between them. For example, (不同点一). Nevertheless, both (主题一) and (主题二) are important in their own ways.

例句:Traditional schools and online schools have both similarities and differences. One similarity is that they both offer education to students. However, there are also several differences between them. For example, traditional schools provide face-to-face interaction and a structured routine, while online schools offer more flexibility and personalized learning. Nevertheless, both traditional schools and online schools are important in their own ways.

5. Solutions to problems

模板:The problem of (文章主题) has become more and more serious. To address this issue, several solutions can be implemented. One solution is (解决方案一), which can (解决问题的作用). Another solution is (解决方案二), which focuses on (解决问题的方向). In conclusion, it is important to take action to tackle the problem of (文章主题).

例句:The problem of plastic waste has become more and more serious. To address this issue, several solutions can be implemented. One solution is to reduce the use of plastic by using eco-friendly alternatives, which can decrease the amount of plastic waste produced. Another solution is to recycle and reuse plastic, which focuses on reducing the impact of plastic waste on the environment. In conclusion, it is important to take action to tackle the problem of plastic waste.


Title: A Template of Universal Sentences for English Compositions


Introduction (引言):

1. It is widely believed that... (人们普遍认为...)

2. There is a growing concern/awareness that... (越来越多的人开始关注/意识到...)

3. In today's society, it has become increasingly important to... (在当今社会里,...变得越来越重要)

Body (主体段落):

Paraphrasing the topic (重述主题):

1. When it comes to..., some people argue that... while others believe that... (当谈到...,有些人认为...而另一些人则认为...)

2. The advantages and disadvantages of... have been widely debated/discussed in recent years. (近年来,...的利弊已经广泛被辩论/讨论)

Presenting arguments (陈述观点):

1. On the one hand, it is undeniable that... (一方面,不可否认的是...)

2. On the other hand, there are those who firmly believe that... (另一方面,有些人坚信...)

3. Supporters of... argue that... (支持...的人认为...)

4. Critics of... claim that... (对...持批评态度的人声称...)

Providing examples (提供例子):

1. For instance, (give an example) (举个例子,...)

2. A classic example is... (一个经典的例子是...)

3. Take... as an ilration (以...为例说明)

Contrasting viewpoints (对比观点):

1. However, others argue that... (然而,其他人则认为...)

2. Despite the advantages, some people are concerned about... (尽管有很多好处,但一些人担心...)

Conclusion (总结):

1. In conclusion, it is clear that... (总之,很明显...)

2. From what has been discussed above, we can draw the conclusion that... (通过上述讨论,我们可以得出结论...)

3. Taking everything into consideration, we may safely say that... (综上所述,我们可以有把握地说...)

Translation (翻译):


1. It is widely believed that... (人们普遍认为...)

2. There is a growing concern/awareness that... (越来越多的人开始关注/意识到...)

3. In today's society, it has become increasingly important to... (在当今社会里,...变得越来越重要)



1. When it comes to..., some people argue that... while others believe that... (当谈到...,有些人认为...而另一些人则认为...)

2. The advantages and disadvantages of... have been widely debated/discussed in recent years. (近年来,...的利弊已经广泛被辩论/讨论)


1. On the one hand, it is undeniable that... (一方面,不可否认的是...)

2. On the other hand, there are those who firmly believe that... (另一方面,有些人坚信...)

3. Supporters of... argue that... (支持...的人认为...)

4. Critics of... claim that... (对...持批评态度的人声称...)


1. For instance, (give an example) (举个例子,...)

2. A classic example is... (一个经典的例子是...)

3. Take... as an ilration (以...为例说明)


1. However, others argue that... (然而,其他人则认为...)

2. Despite the advantages, some people are concerned about... (尽管有很多好处,但一些人担心...)


1. In conclusion, it is clear that... (总之,很明显...)

2. From what has been discussed above, we can draw the conclusion that... (通过上述讨论,我们可以得出结论...)

3. Taking everything into consideration, we may safely say that... (综上所述,我们可以有把握地说...)





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