
关于”令人激动的事“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Exciting things。以下是关于令人激动的事的六年级英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。


关于”令人激动的事“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Exciting things。以下是关于令人激动的事的六年级英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Exciting things

In an exciting race, the two horses took their place on the starting line of the greatest race of the season. The track is extremely difficult. Few horses can finish the whole race.

All eyes are focused on the favorite horse. "College boy" and "sweet seven" have won many races in the past. Now they have equal chances to win.

Although the two horses started well, before long, more than half of the horses were out as expected. The college boy and swift No. 17 walked very well in front of them.

The rest of the horses gathered at a sharp turn in the back. The three horses in the leader fell down. As the race progressed, the riders behind were in great confusion, and the track was full of No There are only three horses left: the college boy and the lovely 17-year-old boy are still holding an unknown horse, Tom toom.

In the last jump of the race, the riders of the two favorite horses failed to keep the saddle, which was very disappointing. As the college student continued the race on his own and won without a rider, Tom toom took his time. As he crossed the finish line, the crowd cheered and applauded.

At the beginning of the race, the most popular "college boy" and "sweet 17-year-old" walked up a dangerous curve, several riders passed by, and most of the horses that followed were approaching the finish line However, the two popular drivers also fell down, although the college boy continued to race alone and won, because Tom Thumb is now his own, he has become the real winner word) (LG Alexander, the first book on understanding, accuracy and composition).



当这位大学生独自一人继续比赛,在没有骑手的情况下赢得比赛时,汤姆·图姆慢慢来,当他越过终点线时,观众欢呼鼓掌比赛一开始,最受欢迎的“大学生男孩”和“甜蜜的十七岁”在一个危险的弯道上向前走去,几个骑手经过,大多数紧随其后的马在接近终点时退出了比赛,只剩下三匹:最喜欢的和一匹不知名的马,然而,这两个热门的车手也都倒下了,尽管大学男生独自一人继续比赛并获胜,因为汤姆拇指现在是自己一个人了,他成了真正的赢家词)(LG Alexander,第一本关于理解、精确和作文的书)。


Our school holds an exciting track and field meeting every year. This year, it is held in the whole school. More than 600 people, including teachers and students, partited in the meeting.

This is the last day of the sports meeting. Around 3:00 p.m., a voice came from the spokesman: girls, the runners of the meter relay race, please get everything ready. Hearing this, four girls in our class, Helen, Jane, Nora and Dina, quickly gathered around the track and did some warm-up exercises.

She firmly said to her teammates: we should win the honor for our class. After a period of time, the other six teams joined you. The starter ordered, and then the tol rang.

The first athlete shot many eyes from the starting point and turned to a small six-year-old girl named Helen. She started very fast and soon became the first and second runner The runner had already moved. She grabbed the stick and ran to Nora.

The third runner had the stick. Dina reached for the stick she was flying. She flew three or four steps ahead of the others.

Dina urged herself to cheer for her faster. She yelled. She drove to the front.

It was too late. The others narrowed the gap. We were all at the finish line Relieved, Dina was the first to reach the finish line.

At that moment, nothing was more exciting than this. We laughed and yelled, we were proud of our e, we praised their excellent teamwork, when we finally received our award certificate, we all had a good laugh in our class, although different from the Olympic champion, we all thought it was an exciting warm-up exercise The next item is the women's rice relay. Please get ready for the first player to start shooting from the starting point.

The second player has already started to move and grasp the club to continue the competition.



她坚定地对她的队友们说:我们应该为我们班赢得荣誉过了一段时间后,其他六个班的队伍进入了你的行列,起跑手②点了命令,然后响了起来,第一个运动员从起跑点射出许多眼睛转向一个叫海伦的瘦小的六岁女孩,她起跑很快,很快就成了第一个第二个跑者已经动了,抓起棍子,冲着诺拉跑去,第三个跑者拿着棍子,已经领先了,迪娜伸手去拿她正在飞的那根棍子,她比其他人先飞了三四步,迪娜催促自己,更快地为她欢呼,一点一点地高声喊叫,她把车开到前面,已经太迟了其他人缩小了差距,我们都在终点线松了一口气,迪娜是第一个到达终点的人。在那一刻,没有什么比这更令人兴奋的了,我们笑了,喊了,我们为我们的女主角感到骄傲⑤我们赞扬了他们出色的团队合作⑥当我们最终收到我们的获奖证书⑦大家我们班上笑得很开心,虽然和奥运会冠军⑧不同,我们都认为这是令人兴奋的热身运动[站:t]n③[tl]射击④抢夺[gr$b]v⑤女主角[her uin]n⑥良好的团队合作⑦获奖证书[s tifikeit w&:d]⑧奥运会卡梅斯冠军[tM$mpj n v ulimpik geimz]演讲者传来声音,下一项是女子米接力赛选手请准备好第一名选手从出发点开始投篮,第二名选手已经开始移动,抓住球杆继续比赛。


Something Exciting

There are many exciting things in life that make us feel thrilled and alive. One event that I found particularly thrilling was when I won a scholarship to study abroad.

It all started when I heard about a scholarship opportunity to pursue my education in a foreign country. I was instantly filled with a mix of excitement and nervousness. The idea of studying in a new environment, experiencing different cultures, and meeting new people was exhilarating to me.

I immediately began preparing my application, pouring my heart and soul into every word. The process was intense, requiring me to write essays, gather recommendation letters, and submit my academic records. Despite the challenges, I stayed determined, knowing that this opportunity could change my life.

Finally, the day of the announcement arrived. I anxiously waited for the results, constantly refreshing my email inbox. And then it happened – an email notification popped up with the subject line, "Congratulations!"

My heart raced as I clicked on the email, not knowing what to expect. As I read the first line, "We are pleased to inform you…" I couldn't contain my excitement. I had been selected as one of the scholarship recipients!

The feeling of joy and accomplishment that washed over me was indescribable. I immediately called my family and friends, sharing the great news with them. Their uncontainable happiness and pride in me made the moment even more special.

From that day forward, a new chapter began in my life. The antition of studying abroad, learning from renowned professors, and immersing myself in a new culture filled every day with excitement. I eagerly counted down the days until my departure, constantly imagining the adventures and experiences that awaited me.

This thrilling event has taught me the value of perseverance and the power of dreams. It has shown me that with dedication and hard work, anything is possible. I am grateful for the opportunity and will make the most out of it, cherishing every moment of this exciting journey.














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