
关于”高频短语“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:High Frequency Phrases。以下是关于高频短语的四级英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。


关于”高频短语“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:High Frequency Phrases。以下是关于高频短语的四级英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:High Frequency Phrases

An Outstanding Student


In today's globalized world, English has become an essential language for communication, particularly in academic and professional settings. As a result, it is crucial for students to master a variety of high-frequency phrases in English writing. In this article, we will explore some prevalent phrases frequently used in English writing for the College English Test Band 4 (CET-4), along with their Chinese translations.


To begin with, when introducing a topic in an essay, it is common to use phrases such as "It is widely acknowledged that" or "There is no denying that", which convey the idea of a widely accepted viewpoint. Furthermore, to present arguments or support an opinion, phrases like "It is believed that" or "Many people hold the opinion that" can be employed.

首先,在论文中引入一个话题时,常常使用诸如"It is widely acknowledged that"或"There is no denying that"等短语,以表达被广泛接受的观点。此外,为了提出论点或支持观点,可以使用诸如"It is believed that"或"Many people hold the opinion that"等短语。

When it comes to providing examples or evidence, phrases such as "For instance" or "To ilrate" can effectively demonstrate the point being made. Moreover, phrases like "In addition" or "Furthermore" can be used to add more supporting information.

当提供例子或证据时,诸如"For instance"或"To ilrate"等短语可以有效地说明所要阐述的观点。此外,诸如"In addition"或"Furthermore"等短语可以用于补充更多的支持信息。

Additionally, to contrast or compare ideas, phrases like "On the contrary" or "Similarly" can be used. Similarly, when summarizing or concluding an essay, it is common to use phrases such as "In conclusion" or "To summarize".

此外,为了对比或比较观点,可以使用诸如"On the contrary"或"Similarly"等短语。同样,当总结或结束一篇文章时,通常使用诸如"In conclusion"或"To summarize"等短语。

In conclusion, mastering high-frequency phrases is vital for English writing, especially for the CET-4. By incorporating these phrases into their essays, students can demonstrate a strong command of the language and improve their overall writing skills.



As an outstanding student, I believe that mastering high-frequency English phrases is crucial for improving one's overall language ability. Here are some examples of commonly used English phrases that are worth memorizing:

1. In my opinion / From my perspective - 我认为

2. Nevertheless / Nonetheless - 然而

3. On the other hand - 另一方面

4. To sum up / In conclusion - 总之

5. It goes without saying - 不言而喻

6. As a matter of fact - 事实上

7. As far as I'm concerned - 就我而言

8. In other words - 换句话说

9. To put it simply - 简而言之

10. Needless to say - 不用说

By incorporating these phrases into our writing and speaking, we can express our ideas more clearly and coherently. Moreover, mastering high-frequency phrases is also beneficial for improving our listening and reading comprehension skills.

As a student, I make a habit of reviewing and practicing these phrases regularly. I believe that this approach is key to improving my language proficiency and achieving my academic goals. Therefore, I encourage fellow English learners to do the same and make a conscious effort to enrich their vocabulary through consistent practice and immersion in the language.


It is undeniable that, to some extent, it can keep up with / keep up with a totally different argument / bear greater work pressure to some extent. The inevitable result of social development contributes to the society, which is conducive to the security of stability and prosperity of our society / economic burden / psychological burden. The precious natural resources of social status / reduction of pressure (burden) have aroused wide public concern / attention The public pay more attention to a controversial issue.

The debate on the comprehensive quality of environmental protection / environmental friendliness is an irresistible trend. A sign of social progress is a sign of social progress. It has laid a solid foundation for our competition and cooperation.

The attitude of competition consciousness and cooperation consciousness on this issue is becoming more and more important, facing new opportunities and challenges..







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