




I like reading my favorite books, so I like all kinds of books because they not only broaden my vision, but also give me inspiration. So far, I have read a lot of books, such as magazines, novels and story books, etc., but one of my favorite books is the story of my life, written by Helen Kellin, an American writer, who is blind and mute. In the book, she wrote that she could not see, hear or speak since she was one year old and seven months old.

This unusual event made her very sad when she was seven years old. She knew that Miss Sullivan, her good teacher, Helen, was more and more happy every day. Miss Sullivan first helped her learn how to write English words.

Miss Sullivan wrote some words in Helen's hands with her own fingers. Agan Helen was a very diligent girl. Because of this, she remembered these lists as much as possible She wrote a famous writer of my college life and published her story.




English Midterm Essay

As a student of English, I have learned a lot about the language in the past few months. From grammar to vocabulary, I have slowly but surely built up my knowledge, and now I feel confident using English in everyday situations.


One of the areas that I have particularly enjoyed studying is English literature. From Shakespeare to Jane Austen, I have read some of the greatest works of English literature and have been fascinated by their language and themes.


Overall, my English midterm has been a challenging but rewarding experience. It has pushed me to expand my skills and knowledge of the language, and I look forward to continuing my studies in the future.







My Middle School Final English Essay


As a middle school student, reaching the end of the term brings with it a sense of accomplishment and the opportunity to reflect upon the experiences and achievements throughout the period. In this essay, I would like to share my thoughts on my English learning journey during this time.


To begin with, I have developed a strong interest in the English language over the past semester. I find joy in exploring new vocabulary, deciphering grammar rules, and engaging in conversations with my peers and teachers. English has become more than just a subject in school; it has become a gateway to a world of opportunities and knowledge.


During this term, I have also witnessed noticeable improvements in my English skills. My reading comprehension has significantly progressed, allowing me to effortlessly comprehend and yze various texts. My writing ability has also shown growth, as I have learned to structure my ideas logically and express them eloquently. Additionally, my listening and speaking skills have improved through consistent practice and claoom interactions.


One of the most significant contributors to my progress has been the support and guidance from my English teacher. They have not only provided us with comprehensive study materials but have also created a vibrant and interactive learning environment. Their patience and dedication have motivated me to overcome challenges and strive for excellence.


In conclusion, this term has been a fulfilling and rewarding period of English learning for me. I have developed a genuine interest in the language and witnessed significant improvements in my skills. I am grateful for the guidance of my teachers and determined to continue my English learning journey with enthusiasm and diligence.






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