
关于”我的国庆节假期“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:My National Day holiday。以下是关于我的国庆节假期的初二英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。


关于”我的国庆节假期“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:My National Day holiday。以下是关于我的国庆节假期的初二英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:My National Day holiday

My National Day Holiday

I had a great National Day holiday this year. On the first day of the holiday, I went to the cinema with my friends and watched a new movie. It was so exciting and we all enjoyed it very much.

On the second day, I went to the park with my family. We had a picnic there and played some games. It was such a pleasant day and we had a lot of fun together.

On the third day, I stayed at home and relaxed. I read some books and watched TV. It was really nice to have some quiet time and just do nothing.

Overall, I had a wonderful holiday and I feel refreshed and ready to go back to school.






National Day Holiday


National Day is a significant holiday in China. It is celebrated on October 1st each year to commemorate the founding of the People's Republic of China. During this holiday, people have a week-long break from work or school. It is a time for relaxation, family gatherings, and exploring the beauty of our nation.


During the National Day holiday, many people choose to travel. They visit famous tourist destinations, historical sites, and natural wonders. It is a great opportunity to appreciate the rich history and diverse culture of our country. Some people prefer to stay at home and enjoy quality time with their families. They have meals together, play games, or watch movies. It is a precious time for bonding and creating memories.


As an excellent student, I believe it is important to make good use of the National Day holiday. Firstly, I will spend some time reviewing my studies and completing any assignments or projects due after the holiday. This will help me stay ahead and be well-prepared for the upcoming school days. Secondly, I will dedicate some time to personal growth and hobbies. I enjoy reading books, playing musical instruments, and practicing sports. These activities not only bring me joy and relaxation but also contribute to my overall development.


In conclusion, the National Day holiday is a time for rest, reflection, and enjoyment. It allows us to appreciate our country's achievements and spend quality time with our loved ones. As an excellent student, I will seize this opportunity to balance my academic pursuits, personal growth, and leisure activities.



National Day Holiday


The National Day Holiday is a very important holiday for the Chinese people. It falls on October 1st and lasts for seven days. During the holiday, people can travel around the country, visit relatives and friends, and partite in various festive activities.


Many people choose to travel during the National Day Holiday. Popular destinations include the Great Wall, the Forbidden City, and other historical and cultural sites. Traffic can be very congested during the holiday, so it’s important to plan ahead and book tickets early.


In addition to traveling, there are many other ways to celebrate the National Day Holiday. Some people attend flag-raising ceremonies, watch fireworks displays, or partite in cultural performances. Others simply stay at home and spend time with family.


Overall, the National Day Holiday is a time for celebration and national pride. It’s a time for people to come together, appreciate their heritage, and look forward to the future.






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