
关于”类型及“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Type and。以下是关于类型及的高中英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。


关于”类型及“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Type and。以下是关于类型及的高中英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Type and

Dear Mr. Cooper, I would like to apply for the position of secretary and tyt in your hotel. My name is Li Hua.

I will graduate from Beijing No.2 Middle School in June. I am very interested in English I am very interested in your hotel, because many foreign guests praise your service and delicious food. As stated in my resume, your hotel is one of the most famous hotels in Guangzhou.

I like the job of secretary and tyt. I have some practical experience in this area. I want to continue to work in this area and have a lot of time to practice.

I am ready to work hard for a long time to achieve good results because I have a strong interest in it. I have attached my resume to this letter. If you consider my application, please let me know.

I look forward to your reply. Thank you very much.





With the development of high technology, the functions of high-tech products have been greatly improved. People can type on their mobile phones and write down what they want to write with computers. It seems that typing is so fast and convenient.

So most young people don't pay attention to handwritten characters when they learn Chinese. Although computers are very popular, their handwriting is really poor. We need to practice our calligraphy People with good words will leave a deep impression on each other.

As the saying goes, writing is a reflection of one's personality, so we should not give up our tradition.




Dear Mr. Cooper, I would like to apply for the position of secretary and tyt in today's China Daily. My name is Li Hua.

I will graduate from Beijing No.2 Middle School in June. I am very interested in English. I am good at spoken English and typing.

I am eager to find summer job opportunities in Guangzhou. I am very interested in your hotel, because many foreign guests are interested in your hotel As my resume says, your hotel is one of the most famous hotels in Guangzhou. I like the job of secretary and tyt.

I have some practical experience in this area. I want to continue to work in this area and have a lot of time to practice it. I am ready to work hard for a long time to achieve good results, because I have a strong interest in it.

I enclose my resume in this letter. If you consider my application, please let me know. I am looking forward to your reply.

Thank you very much for your sincerity, Li Hua.


尊敬的库珀先生,我想应聘贵酒店在今天的《中国日报》上招聘秘书和打字员的职位 我叫李华,我将于6月从北京第二中学毕业我对英语非常感兴趣,擅长英语口语和打字我渴望在广州地区寻找暑期工作机会 我特别喜欢对贵酒店很感兴趣,因为许多外国客人对您的服务和美食赞不绝口,正如我的简历所述,贵酒店是广州最著名的酒店之一,我喜欢秘书和打字员的工作。我在这方面有一些实践经验。我想继续从事这一领域的工作,并有大量的时间来实践这些工作。





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