




Efforts in Learning English

Learning English is essential for people who want to communicate with the world. As a student, I know the importance of mastering English. So, I have been efforts to improve my English skills.

Firstly, I have been attending English cl regularly. My teacher has been teaching us new vocabulary, grammar and unciation every day. I have been actively partiting in class discussions and asking questions to clarify my doubts.

Secondly, I have been watching English movies and TV shows to improve my listening and speaking skills. I try to listen carefully to the dialogues and imitate the way the actors speak. This has helped me to improve my accent and fluency.

Thirdly, I have been reading English books and articles to improve my reading and writing skills. I make a note of new words and phrases and use them in my daily conversations and writing.

In addition, I have been taking online English tests to evaluate my proficiency level and identify my weaknesses. This has helped me to focus on my weaknesses and improve my overall English skills.

In conclusion, I believe that learning English requires consistent efforts and dedication. I will continue to practice and improve my English skills so that I can communicate effectively with people from all over the world.


Effort is an attitude. It has nothing to do with your age. Someone has been working hard when he is already.

He found his dream job the next year. His name is Barack Obama. His new job is the president of the United States.

Another man thinks his golden age is over, so he gives up and accepts the status quo. No one knows his name. No one cares No, trying is not just for children.

It has nothing to do with time. It is not an obligation imposed on you by others. It is a desire for a better self.

It is deeply rooted in your heart. This is a positive attitude towards life. The most terrible thing that may happen in your life is whether you try and fail, but you give up and tell yourself that ordinary is precious.




As long as you work hard, there will be harvest. As long as you work hard, you will get harvest. This is my motto.

As long as you work hard during this period, there will be harvest: as long as you can go out, as long as you promise to come back before six o'clock, as long as we have time, they will continue to care about me and drive such a long way. Let's just keep going If he says that the weather will get cold and will freeze in the future, as long as it does not damage the weekend, as long as Bebe is sure that we are safe under his care, I hope this will not damage the weekend.







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