
关于”一堂课“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:One lesson。以下是关于一堂课的高中英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。


关于”一堂课“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:One lesson。以下是关于一堂课的高中英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:One lesson

Last Friday, we had a class, which was really unforgettable, because it was the last class given by our kind English teacher Mr. Tang. When Mr.

Tang slowly walked into the claoom, we could clearly see that although he had only taught us for three months, it was very difficult for him to leave us. He also talked about his future plans, which deeply moved us. Then he started the last class.

We all listened to every word he said. If those naughty boys behaved very well in the last class Before, we all have a common feeling that we don't want our good teacher to leave, but we won't let him go. This sentence seems too late.

Only when we lose something, can we realize its value. As the bell rang, Mr. Tang looked at us affectionately and expressed his hope that we would make progress in our study and become good citizens in society.

This is an unforgettable lesson.









I remember it was a high school English class, and our teacher was a very interesting and passionate woman. She not only made the lesson fun, but her teaching style was very unique.

In that class, she told us an interesting story about a person traveling to England and the funny things that happened along the way. The story was not only amusing, but also filled with various English grammar and vocabulary that allowed us to learn a lot while listening to the story.

Then, our teacher divided us into groups and had us tell our own stories in English. My group and I were all very excited because this method made us more actively partite in the class activity and enhanced our English speaking ability.

The class lasted until the bell rang, but none of us wanted to leave. As I walked out of the claoom, I felt very excited and fulfilled. I knew that I just had an unforgettable English lesson.


This fester: my favorite school class is physical education. We have it twice a week in Africa. I'm really looking forward to it, because after a few hours of hard work, I need to take a break from books, so I can't wait to get out of the claoom and go to the gym.

We always start with stretching because it's important to warm up before jogging on the track. After that, the real fun began. We divided into groups and took part in different sports.

Basketball and dodgeball are my favorite games. There's no pressure. We just have fun while exercising.

That's why I like PE so much. Second: my favorite class is really interesting and interesting. I like to leave classical music.

I need to take a break from books and walk around. It's great. We all look forward to it as a chance to relax A chance to escape the kingdom of we have a gym twice a week wearing T-shirts and shorts, inside and outside.

Starting with exercise, our stretching, bending and twisting are always important warm-up. We do high jump, we do push ups and sit ups, and then we jog on the track. Finally, the real fun begins.

We divide into groups, we play sports and play games. I like basketball and dodge I like badminton and table tennis. Football is the most exciting thing for me to win or lose.

It doesn't matter. There is no pressure at all. That's why I like PE so much.








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