
关于”介绍姚明“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Introduce Yaoming。以下是关于介绍姚明的高中英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。


关于”介绍姚明“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Introduce Yaoming。以下是关于介绍姚明的高中英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Introduce Yaoming

Hello everyone, my name is XXX. Today, let me tell you a story about a singer. His name is Zhang Jie.

His English name is Jason. I was a loyal fan of him when he was young. His family was not rich, but he was very diligent and he was very cool.

The most important reason why I love him is that he really sings and has a good voice. He has many good songs, for example, the most beautiful sun looks up at the stars The gossip is the same. Now, he has the most fans in the world.

His fans are called stars. Some are old, some are middle-aged, some are small and some are students. They all like blue because they think they are very lucky.

He was a filial son three years ago. He was not lucky, but now he is successful and famous. I realize that "everything needs our efforts I hope his fans and stars will love him all the time.

Thank you, young singer Zhang Jie. He is not very rich, but he said that he has a dream, that is, he wants to buy a big house for his parents, where his mother can plant many beautiful flowers. Not only does he have a beautiful voice, but he also dances very well.

He is very filial, in order to realize it He never grudges his dream. No matter how difficult he encounters, he will never give up. I will take him as an example and I will always support him.




Yao Ming, male, Han nationality, without party affiliation, was born on September 9 in Wujiang District, Suzhou, Zhenze Town, Xuhui District, Shanghai. He was a former Chinese professional basketball player. He was the chairman of the Asian Basketball Federation, chairman of the China Basketball Association, chairman and general manager of the company, and winner of the Pioneer Award for reform of secondary vocational schools.




Yao Ming, born in Shanghai, started playing for the Shanghai Sharks in, was selected to the national basketball team in, and played for five years in the senior team of the China Basketball Association (CBA won a championship in his last year, and Yao Ming represented China in the Summer Olympics for the first time, when he partited in the Olympic Basketball Championship. After the Houston Rockets entered the NBA, Yao Ming joined Forbes No.1 on China's celebrity list.






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