
关于”对做家务的看法“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:On the view of housework。以下是关于对做家务的看法的托福英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。


关于”对做家务的看法“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:On the view of housework。以下是关于对做家务的看法的托福英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:On the view of housework

This summer vacation, I will go to Hainan with my parents. We will go there on September 1. We will go there by boat.

We will stay here for one working day. We will visit Yalong Bay and my friend's home. We will come back on September 7.

We will come back by plane. I believe we will have a good time.











Doing household cs is an important daily activity, but people have very different attitudes towards it. Some people believe that household cs are the responsibility of women, while others believe that it is the responsibility of the whole family. I believe that household cs should involve everyone in the family and should be gender-neutral.

Firstly, everyone should take on the responsibility of the family. Regardless of age, gender, or status, everyone should do some things that they are capable of doing, such as cleaning, cooking, washing dishes, and so on. This is not only a responsibility, but also a way of showing love and care.

Secondly, household cs should be equal. People should not be treated differently because of their gender. Men can cook and wash dishes, while women can clean and repair appliances. Household cs are a shared responsibility and everyone's abilities and interests should be respected.

Finally, doing household cs can bring a sense of happiness and accomplishment. When you tidy up the house and cook a good meal, seeing the satisfied expressions of your family will make you feel very happy and fulfilled. This is the meaning of household cs.

In conclusion, household cs are not solely the responsibility of women, but of the whole family. Everyone should have a sense of responsibility and partition, respect each other's abilities and interests, and work together to make the home a warm and happy place.


Doing Household Cs


Household cs are a part of daily life. Some people believe that doing these cs is a waste of time, while others think that it is important to keep the house clean and tidy. In my opinion, doing household cs is necessary and beneficial for several reasons.


Firstly, doing household cs develops a sense of responsibility and independence. When we clean the house or do the laundry, we are taking care of our own living space and this gives us a sense of ownership and responsibility. It also helps us become more independent, as we learn how to manage our own household and take care of ourselves.


Secondly, doing household cs improves our time management skills. When we have a list of tasks to do, we need to prioritize and manage our time effectively to get everything done. This skill is useful not only in household cs, but also in our daily lives and future careers.


Lastly, doing household cs promotes a healthy and hygienic living environment. When we clean the house regularly and keep things organized, we reduce the risk of germs and bacteria growing in our living space. This helps us stay healthy and avoid illnesses.


In conclusion, doing household cs is not only necessary, but also beneficial for our personal development and well-being. It helps us develop a sense of responsibility and independence, improve our time management skills, and promote a healthy living environment.






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