
关于”假期综合症“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Holiday Syndrome。以下是关于假期综合症的专业英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。


关于”假期综合症“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Holiday Syndrome。以下是关于假期综合症的专业英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Holiday Syndrome

Title: Post-Vacation Blues

Post-Vacation Blues




The much-antited holiday has finally arrived, with days filled with relaxation, exploration, and unforgettable memories. However, as the vacation comes to an end, many people find themselves suffering from post-vacation blues. This phenomenon, known as "Post-Vacation Syndrome," refers to a range of emotions and feelings experienced after returning from a holiday. In this essay, we will explore the causes, symptoms, and potential strategies to overcome this common condition.




1. Disruption of Routine: Holidays often disrupt our daily routines, allowing us to escape the monotony of our usual activities. When the vacation ends, adjusting back to our regular schedules can be challenging, leading to feelings of disorientation and unease.

2. Separation from Loved Ones: Vacations often bring families and friends together, fostering strong bonds and cherished memories. Saying goodbye to loved ones and returning to the solitary routine can leave one feeling lonely and isolated.

3. Decreased Freedom and Autonomy: During holidays, we have more to do what we enjoy without the constraints of work or responsibilities. After returning, the loss of this can make one feel trapped and dissatisfied with their daily life.

1. 打乱日常生活: 假期常常打乱我们的日常生活,让我们逃脱了乏味的例行活动。当假期结束,重新适应我们的常规安排可能是具有挑战性的,引起人们的迷失和不安感。

2. 与亲人分离: 假期常常让家人和朋友团聚在一起,培养出深厚的纽带和珍贵的回忆。和亲人告别,回到孤独的生活方式中,会让人感到孤独和孤立。

3. 自由和自主程度下降: 假期期间,我们有更多的自由去做自己喜欢的事情,没有工作或责任的束缚。回到现实后,失去这种自由会让人感到困扰和对日常生活不满。



1. Low Mood and Lack of Motivation: Feelings of sadness, lethargy, and lack of enthusiasm are common after a vacation. The routine and responsibilities can seem dull and uninteresting in comparison to the enjoyable experiences during the break.

2. Difficulty Concentrating: It may be challenging to focus and concentrate on tasks after the excitement and relaxation of a holiday. The mind may wander back to pleasant vacation memories, it hard to be fully present in daily activities.

3. Irritability and Restlessness: The sudden shift from a carefree holiday to the pressures of work or school can make one feel agitated, impatient, and irritable.

1. 情绪低落和缺乏动力: 假期过后常常会出现悲伤、倦怠和缺乏热情的感觉。与假期期间的愉快体验相比,日常的例行活动和责任看起来乏味和不有趣。

2. 难以集中注意力: 在经历了假期的兴奋和放松后,专注于任务上可能会有困难。思绪可能会回到愉快的假期回忆中,很难全身心地投入到日常活动中。

3. 易怒和焦躁: 从无忧无虑的假期突然转向工作或学校的压力,会让人感到烦躁、不耐烦和易怒。

Strategies to Overcome Post-Vacation Blues:


1. Set Realistic Expectations: Understand that the vacation period is temporary and that returning to routine is a necessary part of life. Accepting this reality can help in managing the transition.

2. Plan Small Activities: Incorporate enjoyable activities into your daily routine, such as walks, reading, or pursuing a hobby. This can help maintain a sense of enjoyment and provide a break from the monotony of daily life.

3. Practice Self-Care: Engage in activities that promote self-care, such as exercise, meditation, or indulging in a favorite hobby. Taking care of your physical and mental well-being can help alleviate the post-vacation blues.

1. 树立现实的期望: 了解假期的时期是有限的,返回日常例行的生活是生活的必要部分。接受这个事实有助于管理过渡期。

2. 安排一些小活动: 将愉快的活动融入日常生活,比如散步、阅读或追求一个爱好。这可以帮助保持愉悦感,打破日常生活的单调。

3. 进行自我关怀: 参与推动自我关怀的活动,比如锻炼、冥想或沉迷于一个喜欢的爱好。照顾好自己的身心健康有助于缓解假后综合症。



Experiencing post-vacation blues is a common phenomenon, and it's important to acknowledge and address these feelings. By understanding the causes, recognizing the symptoms, and implementing the strategies mentioned above, individuals can effectively overcome post-vacation blues and ease their transition back to normal life. Remember, life is a collection of moments, and the end of a vacation does not mark the end of happiness and fulfillment. Embrace the memories and experiences, and look forward to the next adventure that awaits.



Note: in this section, you can write an essay entitled "post holiday syndrome among students" in minutes. You should write at least one essay according to the outline given below. The most important symptom is irregular life and low mood during returning to school.

The most important symptom is irritability and depression in life. A large number of students indulge in eating during the holidays Play, play, which makes it difficult for them to adapt to the daily learning plan and the rhythm of campus life. My advice is as follows: exercising during the holidays is different from sticking to a normal schedule, and nipping post holiday syndrome in the bud.

In addition, it's worth coming back a few days before the start of the semester. Coming back early seems to have curbed the holiday blues.












With the arrival of winter vacation, many students begin to experience symptoms of student vacation syndrome. These symptoms include laziness, boredom, confusion, and loneliness.

Laziness is one of the most common symptoms of student vacation. At school, students must adhere to schedules and complete a variety of tasks and courses. However, once on vacation, they can freely manage their time. Many students become addicted to television, online games, and other entertainment activities, refusing to do homework or learn new things.

Boredom is another common symptom. At school, students can partite in many different activities, such as sports events, concerts, and off-campus expeditions. But at home, they can only stay at home with nothing to do. This can make them feel bored and lost.

Confusion is also a manifestation of student vacation syndrome. Some students must face the problem of choosing subjects, majors, and future careers. These issues can cause them stress and panic.

Loneliness is also a manifestation of student vacation syndrome. At school, students have many classmates and teachers to communicate and communicate with. But at home, they may feel lonely and lonely.

To alleviate the symptoms of student vacation syndrome, students can take some measures. They can use this time to self-study new knowledge or partite in community activities. They can also travel or do sports with friends to maintain physical and mental health.





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