
关于”西安旅游“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Xi'an tourism。以下是关于西安旅游的专八英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。


关于”西安旅游“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Xi'an tourism。以下是关于西安旅游的专八英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Xi'an tourism

Xi'an is a beautiful city in China with a rich history and culture. It is famous for its Terracotta Warriors and Horses, which are considered one of the greatest archaeological finds in the world. In addition, Xi'an is also known for its ancient city walls, which are the most complete in China.

When I visited Xi'an, I was amazed by the beauty of the city. The Terracotta Warriors and Horses were truly impressive, and I was delighted to learn about the history behind them. The ancient city walls were also fascinating, and I enjoyed walking along them and taking in the views of the city.

Another highlight of my visit to Xi'an was the Muslim Quarter, which is a bustling market filled with delicious food and beautiful handicrafts. I tried many different kinds of local snacks, and I purchased some souvenirs for my friends and family.

Overall, I had a wonderful time in Xi'an and would highly recommend it to anyone interested in Chinese history and culture.











Xi'an is one of the most important cities in Chinese history. It was the capital of 13 dynasties and became a commercial and cultural hub during the Han Dynasty. Today, Xi'an is a famous tourist destination because of its world-renowned Terracotta Warriors and Great Wild Goose Pagoda.

First, let's take a look at the Terracotta Warriors. These are a massive ceramic army created in 210 BC. They were discovered in 1974, and each statue is unique. It is a stunning monument that you can spend hours exploring their different forms and expressions.

Another must-visit place is the Great Wild Goose Pagoda. This is an ancient Buddhist temple built in 652 AD. It was built by a famous Buddhist missionary who had traveled to India and Dunhuang. The tower is 64 meters high and has 7 floors, offering a panoramic view of the city.

In addition to these two attractions, Xi'an has other places worth seeing, such as the ancient city walls, bell tower, and drum tower. You can also taste the local cuisine, such as Roujiamo, Yangrou Paomo, and Liangpi.

In conclusion, Xi'an is a city full of history and culture, with many stunning attractions and cuisine. If you plan to travel to China, be sure not to miss this city!





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