
关于”我的社区“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:My community。以下是关于我的社区的专业英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。


关于”我的社区“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:My community。以下是关于我的社区的专业英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:My community

My Community


I live in a small community in the heart of the city. It is a vibrant and bustling place, filled with people from diverse backgrounds and cultures. My community is like a big family, where everyone knows each other and supports one another.


One of the things I love most about my community is its sense of unity and togetherness. We have regular community events and gatherings, where people of all ages come together to celebrate and have fun. We organize festivals, fairs, and sports competitions that bring everyone closer and create a strong bond within the community.


In my community, we also have a strong emphasis on education. We have a well-equipped community center where students can study and receive tutoring after school. The community members, including retired teachers and professionals, volunteer their time to help the students with their homework and provide guidance. This support system has greatly contributed to the academic success of many students in my community.


Moreover, my community is eco-friendly and promotes sustainable practices. We have community gardens where residents can grow their own organic produce. Recycling is also encouraged, and we have designated recycling bins throughout the neighborhood. We have even established a community composting program that turns food waste into nutrient-rich compost for the gardens.


Living in such a wonderful community has taught me the importance of giving back. I actively partite in community service projects and encourage my fellow students to do the same. Whether it's cleaning up the neighborhood or organizing charity drives, we strive to make a positive impact and create a better community for everyone.


In conclusion, my community is a place where unity, education, and sustainability thrive. I am proud to be a part of this vibrant and supportive community, where I have learned valuable lessons and made lifelong friendships. I will continue to contribute and make a difference in my community, ensuring its prosperity for future generations.



I live in a city. When I was a child, my family moved to a community. I lived in the community for about ten years.

I spent my childhood here. I made a lot of friends. I knew all the children here.

I am very happy to live in the community. The people here are like a big family. The old people like to dance and walk in the community, while the young people are slow in the afternoon Run, the children play together after school at night, most people take a walk in the square after supper, they share what happened that day, people laugh happily, the community is a big family for me, I know everyone here, this is a paradise.




My Community

I live in a small but vibrant community. It is located in the suburbs of a big city, but it has its own unique character. There are many things that make my community special.

One of the best things about my community is the people who live here. They are friendly and welcoming to newcomers, and they are always willing to help out their neighbors. There are also many community events and activities that bring people together and create a sense of unity.

In addition to the people, my community has many parks and green spaces. There are several playgrounds where children can play, and there are also trails for walking and biking. These outdoor spaces are not only great for recreation, but they also help to keep the air clean and the environment healthy.

My community also has a variety of shops and restaurants. There are small locally-owned businesses as well as larger chain stores. There are also many different types of restaurants, from fast food to fine dining. It is easy to find whatever you need or want in my community.

Overall, I am proud to live in such a wonderful community. It is a great place to raise a family, make new friends, and enjoy all that life has to offer.










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