
关于”坏习惯“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Bad Habits。以下是关于坏习惯的专业英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。


关于”坏习惯“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Bad Habits。以下是关于坏习惯的专业英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Bad Habits

I like playing computer games very much. Every night, I sleep late. Then the next day, I will be very tired and can't concentrate on my study.

I am very angry. I need to change my bad habits. So I decided to make some plans.

I forced myself to sleep in the morning and play computer games on weekends. Now it works slowly.




Bad Habits

Everyone has some bad habits, and I am no exception. One of my bad habits is procrastination. I always put off doing things until the last minute, even if they are important. This often results in unnecessary stress and rushed work.

Another bad habit of mine is snacking on junk food. I have a sweet tooth and I often reach for candy, chips, and other unhealthy snacks even when I am not hungry. This habit not only negatively affects my health, but it also wastes money.

Finally, I have a habit of staying up late. I often find myself scrolling through social media, watching TV, or reading until the early hours of the morning, which leaves me tired and unproductive the next day.

I know that these habits are not good for me, so I am working on breaking them. I am trying to be more mindful of my time and prioritize my tasks. I am also trying to replace my junk food snacks with healthier options. And, I am setting a bedtime for myself and sticking to it.






In our daily life, we can find many bad habits from others and ourselves, such as smoking in public places, talking loudly when eating, not paying attention to the traffic lights when crossing the road, etc. Nowadays, more and more smokers take smoking as a part of their life. Often, they even smoke in the hospital or in the carriage where smoking is absolutely forbidden.

They never consider the feelings of others. I think we should prevent them from smoking because it is harmful to themselves and the people around them. As we all know, talking aloud during meals is sometimes a bad habit like smoking.

My classmates eat together to express their excitement. They make fun of each other and then laugh loudly. Although some people eat in the same place, they express their pain and complaint.

In my opinion, holding a dinner party can strengthen the friendship between friends, but we should not lie together. It is unforgivable to put other people's pain aside and enjoy our own happiness. In addition to those mentioned above, if we don't pay more attention to the traffic lights on the streets with heavy traffic, sometimes our lives will be endangered.

We can often see a lot of police are dealing with a traffic accident, some people have died on the ground, which is too sad for us, but before facing these bad habits, it can be prevented. In my opinion, what can we do? On the one hand, we should persuade others not to continue their "hobbies". On the other hand, we should set an example for others and never try.








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