
关于”在学校的第一天“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:The first day at school。以下是关于在学校的第一天的小学英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。


关于”在学校的第一天“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:The first day at school。以下是关于在学校的第一天的小学英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The first day at school

My First Day at School


Today was my first day at school. I woke up feeling both excited and nervous. Having attended preschool, I was somewhat familiar with the idea of school, but starting primary school was a big step for me.


As I arrived at the school gate, I saw a crowd of children waiting with their parents. I could see some familiar faces from my preschool, and we waved at each other excitedly. Slowly, the bell rang, and it was time to enter the school building.


Inside, I was assigned to a claoom with a kind and friendly teacher. She introduced herself and made all of us feel comfortable. We played some ice-breaking games and got to know each other better. The atmosphere became more relaxed, and my nervousness slowly faded away.


Throughout the day, we had different subjects. I particularly enjoyed English class because it was my favorite subject. Our teacher, Miss Smith, was patient and made the lessons fun and interactive. We practiced conversations, learned new vocabulary, and even played a few language games. I felt a sense of accomplishment as I was able to communicate in English with my classmates.


At lunchtime, I had the opportunity to sit with some new friends. We chatted and laughed, getting to know each other better. It was a great feeling to have a group of friends who shared my enthusiasm for learning and exploring new things.


As the school day came to an end, I felt a mix of emotions. I was proud of myself for successfully completing my first day at school. I had learned so many new things and made new friends. Although there were still challenges ahead, I felt more confident and excited about the journey that lay ahead.


My first day at school was a memorable experience. I look forward to the days and years to come, where I can continue to learn and grow both academically and personally.



My First Day at School

Today was my first day at school, and it was an exciting experience for me. I woke up early in the morning, feeling a mix of nervousness and antition. After having a quick breakfast, my parents dropped me off at the school gate.

As soon as I entered the school premises, I was greeted by the hustle and bustle of students. The school seemed much bigger than my previous school, and there were so many new faces around me. I carefully navigated through the crowd, trying to find my claoom.

Upon reaching my claoom, I found a vacant seat and settled in. The teacher introduced herself and welcomed all the students warmly. She then asked each of us to introduce ourselves to the class. As it was my first day, I felt a little shy, but I mustered up the courage to speak about myself briefly.

Throughout the day, we had different subjects like English, Math, Science, and Art. I was particularly excited about the English class, as it has always been my favorite subject. We learned new vocabulary words, practiced speaking in English, and even played some language games.

During recess, I made some new friends. It was nice to have someone to talk to and share experiences with. We chatted about our hobbies, favorite movies, and the things we enjoyed doing. I instantly felt more comfortable and at ease in my new environment.

The day went by quickly, and before I knew it, it was time to go home. As I walked out of the school gate, I couldn't help but reflect on my first day. It was a memorable experience filled with new faces, new subjects, and new friendships. I felt a sense of excitement for the days to come and looked forward to all the adventures that awaited me at school.








When I went to school on the first day, my parents drove me to school, and then they took me to the claoom. They told me that they were going to leave. I felt lonely.

I tried not to cry. Although I wanted to cry in my heart, I soon made new friends and forgot the unhappiness. We played together and became good friends.







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