
关于”反对战争“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Oppose war。以下是关于反对战争的五年级英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。


关于”反对战争“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Oppose war。以下是关于反对战争的五年级英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Oppose war

In recent years, war has become a frequent occurrence in many parts of the world. However, as a global citizen, I strongly advocate against war for several reasons.

Firstly, war causes great human suffering. It destroys homes, families, and entire communities, leaving people traumatized and devastated. The physical and psychological damage inflicted upon individuals can last for generations, and can prevent them from leading normal lives.

Secondly, wars create instability and chaos, it difficult for people to rebuild their lives and economies. Children are often forced to drop out of school, and many are left without access to basic necessities such as food and shelter. The aftermath of war can be felt for many years, and can stunt progress in areas such as education, healthcare, and infrastructure.

Lastly, war is a waste of resources. Trillions of dollars are spent on military equipment and operations each year, which could be better used to address global problems such as poverty, hunger, and climate change. The funds spent on war could be used to build schools, hospitals, and affordable housing, and to develop sustainable energy solutions.

In conclusion, war should be avoided at all costs. The negative consequences far outweigh any potential benefits. It is our responsibility as global citizens to work towards peaceful resolutions and to promote understanding and cooperation between nations. Only through dialogue and diplomacy can we build a better future for all.







Now, obviously, when you turn on TV, radio, even blogs on the Internet, what you can see, hear, read, and even smell is disturbing. Are we tired of all this, even if it's the pain of a mother, a religious icon calling for attacks on a country's leader, the death of her son in Iraq has provoked a lot of emotional turmoil, What history should teach us, we should all know that war is not the answer now, but we are still troubled by it. He will support a resolution to achieve world peace, he will listen to what people need, even if it is just a minute back, he will realize that even if it is bombed in Hiroshima, Pearl Harbor incident, Vietnam War and all wars, genocides in history After the tyrant, there was no progress for humanity, conquerors and dictators.

We learned anything from Eli, saying, before we all destroy our own humanity, let peace begin now. Peace begins with me. Let this be the present.

Every step I take, let this be my solemn oath,.




Title: Opposing War


War has always been a grave issue affecting humanity. Throughout history, numerous wars have caused immeasurable suffering and destruction. It is crucial to stand against war and advocate for peaceful resolutions to conflicts. This essay will discuss several reasons why war should be opposed.


1. Loss of Human Lives:

War leads to the tragic loss of countless lives on both sides of a conflict. Innocent civilians often bear the brunt of war, with their lives torn apart and families shattered. Each life lost is a tragedy that could have been prevented through peaceful means.

2. Destruction of Infrastructures:

War brings about the destruction of vital infrastructures such as homes, schools, hospitals, and roads. This leaves societies struggling to rebuild their foundations and exacerbates the suffering and displacement of civilians. The resources required to repair damage caused by war could be better allocated towards improving living conditions and promoting development.

3. Economic Burden:

Wars impose a heavy economic burden on nations involved. The costs of military operations, reconstruction, and supporting wounded soldiers can cripple national economies for years, diverting funds from crucial sectors like education, healthcare, and infrastructure development. By opposing war, resources can be redirected towards improving the quality of life for citizens.

4. Escalation of Violence:

War breeds further violence and hostility. The cycle of revenge and retaliation perpetuates a never-ending cycle of bloodshed. Escalating conflicts create a dangerous environment where hatred and animosity between nations become deeply rooted. Seeking peaceful resolutions through diplomacy and dialogue is essential to breaking this cycle.


In conclusion, opposing war is crucial for the well-being and prosperity of humanity. The loss of human lives, destruction of infrastructures, economic burden, and escalation of violence are all compelling reasons to seek alternative solutions to conflicts. Embracing peaceful resolutions ensures a brighter and more harmonious future for generations to come.







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