
关于”家风“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Family virtues。以下是关于家风的小学英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。


关于”家风“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Family virtues。以下是关于家风的小学英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Family virtues

There are four people in our family, my parents, my sister and me. My father is very strict with us when we make mistakes. He teaches us.

But my mother is very gentle when my father is angry. She always comforts my sister. Then I say good words to my father.

Although we sometimes quarrel, the family atmosphere is very harmonious for our parents. One should be strict with ourselves, the other should be gentle, my father My mother taught us in the classic way my sister and I grew up. We changed from naughty girls to responsible adults.

Now we are brave and polite. When people think highly of us, my parents will be very happy, because their education makes me lucky to be born in a harmonious family.




Traditionally, we should adhere to the core virtues of diligence, honesty, justice and responsibility. We Chinese people advocate the virtues of simplicity and hard work. In my opinion, honesty and justice are also the top priority, but responsibility is the top priority.

We should maintain a simple style and the responsibility of hard work, that is, honesty and justice. Everyone should bear a set of responsibilities, for example, we college students To be responsible for the pursuit of excellent academic performance, but a large number of students have taken root in online games. The virtue of responsibility is closely related to the "eight not for" moral movement.

Under this slogan, everyone must shoulder his own responsibility and devote himself to his position without doubt. Everyone should carry forward the socialist concept of honor and disgrace.







In family education, family style plays a crucial role. It is a set of inherited values and moral principles that can enable family members to establish the right outlook on life and values, cultivate talented individuals with good moral character and civic-mindedness, and is of great significance to the harmonious development of families and society.

The formation of family style requires the joint efforts of family members, and each family member should recognize their family responsibility and make efforts to fulfill it. Parents should lead by example and guide their children to adopt the right behavioral ways. Children should listen to their parents and develop good habits to become responsible individuals who can contribute to the family and society.

A good family style involves many elements such as affection, friendship, love, tolerance, and respect, which need to be constantly nurtured and enhanced in family education. We should cherish our families and family style, our family a haven for our mind and the family style a guarantee for our physical and mental health.




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