
关于”2018题目“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:The title of 2018。以下是关于2018题目的高中英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。


关于”2018题目“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:The title of 2018。以下是关于2018题目的高中英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The title of 2018


Title: My Goals for 2018


In the year 2018, I have set several goals for myself. These goals are aimed at improving various aspects of my life and ensuring personal growth. Here, I would like to share some of these goals.


Firstly, I aim to enhance my physical well-being. I plan to exercise regularly and eat a balanced diet to keep my body healthy. I will engage in activities such as jogging, swimming, and yoga to strengthen my muscles and improve my flexibility. Additionally, I will make it a habit to drink plenty of water and consume fruits and vegetables daily.


Secondly, my academic goal for 2018 is to excel in my studies. I will devote more time to studying and completing assignments. Additionally, I aim to read more books to broaden my knowledge and expand my horizons. By doing so, I hope to achieve higher grades and improve my intellectual capabilities.


Thirdly, I aim to enhance my interpersonal skills. I want to become a better communicator and listener. I will actively partite in group discussions and engage in conversations with different individuals. Moreover, I will try to understand different perspectives and empathize with others in order to foster better relationships.


Lastly, I aim to contribute to society and make a positive impact on others. I plan to engage in volunteer work and help those in need. Whether it's partiting in community service projects or donating to charities, I want to make a difference and give back to the community.


By setting these goals for 2018, I hope to become a better version of myself and lead a more fulfilling life. I am determined to work hard and stay committed to achieving these goals throughout the year.



In academic learning and extracurricular activities, how to balance academic learning and extracurricular activities, although it is a challenge to achieve the balance, it is generally believed that for students pursuing rich and colorful campus life, academic learning and extracurricular activities should be paid equal attention. First of all, there are many factors to consider. For students without time and energy, it is risky to do so.

After all, academic study is the first of all students. At the same time, in the University, the practical or social experience of extracurricular activities has a lot to do with practice or social experience. Students will have the initiative and channels to obtain what they need and achieve their goals However, if students engage in too many extracurricular activities, their studies will inevitably be affected, and they will lose their focus to sum up.

A balanced campus life should be given the same meaning. Academic research and extracurricular activities have a deep knowledge foundation. The practical experience or social experience of the former and the latter will make students have a rich life in the University..




A Remarkable Student in 2018

2018 has seen the rise of an exceptional student, who has not only demonstrated academic excellence but also made remarkable contributions to society. This outstanding individual is none other than Li Ming, a senior high school student who has become a role model for his peers and received recognition from people of all ages.

Li Ming's achievements in academic studies are truly impressive. In the national college entrance examination, he ranked first in his city, outperforming thousands of other students. His exceptional performance in various subjects, especially English, has impressed his teachers and peers alike. Li Ming's dedication to learning, his strong work ethic, and his thirst for knowledge have undoubtedly played crucial roles in his success.

In addition to his academic accomplishments, Li Ming is also known for his outstanding social contributions. In 2018, he actively partited in several volunteer programs, including teaching English to children in rural areas and helping the elderly in nursing homes. Li Ming's unwavering commitment to serving others, his compassion, and his willingness to offer a helping hand have touched the lives of many people and inspired others to follow his lead.

Li Ming's success story is a testament to the fact that hard work, perseverance, and a strong sense of responsibility can lead to extraordinary achievements. His passion for learning and his desire to make a difference in the world are qualities that make him a role model for both students and adults. Through his accomplishments, Li Ming has shown us that age is not a barrier to success, and that every individual has the potential to make a significant impact on society.

In conclusion, Li Ming is an exceptional student who has left an indelible mark in 2018. His academic achievements and social contributions have made him a respected figure in the community. As we look back on the year, let us remember Li Ming's story and strive to emulate his dedication, passion, and commitment to excellence in all areas of our lives.











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