
关于”旅行经历“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Travel experience。以下是关于旅行经历的高二英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。


关于”旅行经历“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Travel experience。以下是关于旅行经历的高二英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Travel experience

As an English student, one of the most exciting experiences I have had is traveling. I have been fortunate to visit several countries and each trip has been an unforgettable adventure.


One of my favorite trips was to Japan, where I immersed myself in the culture and traditions. I visited temples and shrines, tried new foods, and even dressed up in a traditional kimono. It was amazing to see how the Japanese people value respect and harmony in their daily lives.


Another memorable trip was to Italy, where I explored the ancient cities of Rome and Pompeii. I was in awe of the history and art that surrounded me, and I was particularly fascinated by the ruins of Pompeii, which captured a glimpse of life in ancient Rome.


Traveling has not only broadened my horizons but has also allowed me to practice my English skills. I have had to communicate with locals, navigate new environments, and learn about different cultures all in English. It has been a challenging but rewarding experience.


Overall, traveling has been an amazing experience for me as an English student. It has allowed me to see the world, learn about different cultures, and practice my language skills. I can't wait to see where my next adventure will take me.









My Travel Experience

Last year, I had the privilege of going on a memorable trip. I went to Thailand with my family. It was my first time traveling abroad, so I was very excited.

We flew to Bangkok by plane, and as soon as we arrived, we could feel the extraordinary atmosphere. We visited the Grand Palace, where there were many ancient buildings and temples. We also went to the night market and tried the local cuisine, such as Thai fried rice and grilled fish.

Next, we went to Phuket, a place famous for its beautiful beaches and water activities. We sunbathed on the beach, swam, and played beach volleyball. I also tried as many water activities as possible, such as kayaking and water skiing.

On the last day in Phuket, we took a boat to a beautiful small island. This island is known as paradise because of its crystal-clear waters and white sandy beaches. We spent the whole day on the island, feeling like we had entered a fairyland.

This trip left a deep impression on me. Not only did I visit many beautiful attractions, but I also tasted a variety of delicious food and met many friendly local people. I am really grateful for the opportunity to explore different cultures and landscapes. I believe this trip will always stay in my memory.





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