
关于”一次难忘的旅行“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:An Unforgettable Journey。以下是关于一次难忘的旅行的四级英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。


关于”一次难忘的旅行“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:An Unforgettable Journey。以下是关于一次难忘的旅行的四级英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:An Unforgettable Journey

(an unforgettable trip) (an unforgettable trip) I went to Chongqing in July. It's a city built near the mountains, so people call it mountain city in Chongqing. I went to the Hongshi center to see where the prisoners used to live.

It was a terrible trip. There were a lot of dogs and soldiers with guns near the prison. Most of the prisons were very good.

They didn't want to tell the bad guys that others were there Where they live in very small houses, no good food, no good water, they only spend 20 minutes outside every day, but they still don't say anything. I think they are the heroes of the century, and I will follow their spirit: (wwzuowencn) http://wwwzuowencn/onewsaspid=.




In the summer vacation, I will go to Jiuzhaigou with my parents. My father is very strong. He took us to Huanglong Mountain.

We stood on the top of the mountain and saw a beautiful scenery. The water flowed down from the mountain. There are more than 200 pools on the hillside of the mountain.

In the sun, the water in the pool les like stars in the sky. It's really beautiful. It's a unforgettable journey.




(an unforgettable trip) in July, I went to Chongqing, a city built near a mountain, which is called mountain city / in Chongqing, I went to the Hongshi center to see where the prisoners used to live. It was a terrible trip, with lots of dogs, soldiers with guns near the prison and most of the prisons were very good, they didn't want to tell the bad guys where the others were, they lived in small houses, there was no good food, no good water to drink, they only spent 20 minutes outside every day, but they still didn't say anything. I think they were the heroes of the century to follow him Our spirit.






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