




Note: for this part, you can spend 30 minutes to write an article about my views on the negative impact of some advertits. You should write at least a few words, and your composition should be based on the following outline: my view on the negative impact of some advertits now there are many false advertits. Generally speaking, they do harm to the society in many aspects, and the harm is shown as follows: 1 It is to exaggerate the function of advertising products and mislead consumers; secondly, some advertits contain obscene content, causing mental pollution, which seriously damages the reputation of enterprises.

Because the stores selling these goods will be distrusted by consumers, and even be regarded as conspirators of advertisers by consumers. I usually keep vigilant against any false advertits, so I have never been cheated Some people are credulous and easy to be deceived. In my opinion, we should first take effective measures to ban false advertits and protect the interests of consumers.

All advertits must be strictly examined by relevant departments before they are released. Those who publish illegal advertits should be severely punished. Our society must put an end to false advertits.




We assure you that we will always provide you with the best service. We will do our best to serve you. We will be happy to serve you at any time.

We hope you will forgive us for the trouble we have caused you. We are sorry for the trouble we have caused you. We believe you will forgive us for the inconvenience we have brought to you.

We ask you to forgive us for such trouble I believe you will ignore this trouble. We are very sorry. Please forgive me for the trouble I have caused you in this matter.

Please forgive this clerical error. We apologize for the inconvenience caused by this error. Please accept our regret for the error of our staff.

We are very sorry for the inconvenience caused to you. We would like to express our regret for the trouble caused by this error. We are frank Admitting that we are at fault, we are eager to repair the consequences we have caused.

We ask you to continue to give you valuable help, we ask for your trust and support, we hope to get your further support, we hope to continue to get your patronage, we ask you to continue to give us your support, we hope that you can continue to give us friendly support, if there is a chance, we will be very happy to provide you with similar services, feedback goodwill, we will We are willing to repay you on similar occasions. We hope to be able to repay your good offices on similar occasions. We are ready to provide you with such or similar services at any time.

We are ready to return such or similar help at any time. We are very glad to have the opportunity to give you feedback. You have nothing to add today, no more content today, no more content at present There is no more content to communicate today.

There is no more content to write to you through this email today, instead of further informing you. We have nothing more to tell you today.




Business letters are the main means for business companies to keep in touch with customers. Usually, business letters are the only one. Customers form their impression of the company from the tone and quality of the letters they send.

Business doesn't need poets' elegant language, but it does require us to express ourselves accurately in simple and clear language. The secret of good business letter writing is to write simply, easily and naturally, just like a friendly person talking to another friendly person. In other words, try to make your letter sound like a good conversation.






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