





Dreams are the images and feelings that we experience while we sleep. These can be sweet, happy, frightening, and weird. Some people remember their dreams vividly, while others forget them soon after waking up.

Dreams are a mysterious aspect of human consciousness. They often reflect our thoughts, fears, and desires. Some people believe that dreams are messages from our subconscious, while others think they are random neurological firings.

Regardless of what they mean, dreams can be powerful tools for inspiration and creativity. Many artists, writers, and musicians have taken inspiration from their dreams.

In conclusion, dreams are fascinating and enigmatic phenomena that have intrigued humans for centuries. They can be both meaningful and meaningless, but they always offer a glimpse into the mysterious workings of our minds.






Dreams to people are like wings to birds with dreams in their hearts. People will naturally tie their carriages to stars. Dream is an inexhaustible source of energy.

It makes our passion burn, ignite our desire, improve our spiritual cultivation, perfect our character, and improve our quality of life. Life without dreams is like a bird with broken wings. It is locked in a cage and does not know that it is out of sight.

On the contrary, a man with a dream is like an ambitious, farsighted and courageous warrior who dares to venture into an unknown field. This is a dream. It increases enrichment and diversity.

I have a dream, which is deeply rooted in human nature. I dream that one day, all people of origin can be harmonious and harmonious without discrimination or persecution Life on the ground. The gift of the earth can be shared by everyone, and mutual respect will ensure the existence of the continued diversity of customs and cultures - love, compassion and cooperation will alleviate the suffering and disaster suffered by our compatriots; respect for basic human rights will put an end to social injustice and evil - when my dream comes true, all people will be truly equal, happy and free.





When I was very young, I dreamed of becoming a princess. When I was in primary school, I dreamed of becoming a teacher, because I admired my teacher very much. My dream changed with my growth.

Now I am in high school. I want to be a fashion designer. I love fashion very much.

When I see models wearing beautiful skirts on the stage, I really envy my wish I can design these clothes and create the fashion that I have always focused on fashion. When I see good styles, when I think of good styles, I will write them down and draw them on the pictures. Now I have collected a lot of photos, which represent my dream.

I believe that one day I can make my clothes.







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