




Swimming is a popular sport and leisure activity that involves moving through water by using the arms and legs. It is a great form of exercise that can help improve cardiovascular health, strength, and endurance. Swimming can also be a fun and relaxing way to escape the summer heat and enjoy time with friends and family.


Swimming can be enjoyed in a variety of settings, from public pools and beaches to lakes and rivers. It is important to always practice basic water safety skills, such as never swimming alone and wearing a life jacket if necessary. Additionally, it is important to be aware of any potential risks or hazards in the water, such as strong currents or underwater obstacles.


In addition to its physical benefits, swimming can also be a great way to relieve stress and improve mental health. The peaceful, repetitive motion of swimming can help calm the mind and reduce anxiety. Furthermore, being in the water can provide a sense of weightlessness and that is difficult to achieve on land.


Overall, swimming is a wonderful activity that can benefit the body and mind. Whether you are a beginner or a seasoned swimmer, there are always ways to improve and enjoy this fun and rewarding sport.



Swimming when I was a boy, I once spent the summer vacation with my two brothers and my uncles and aunts in a house by the sea. It is only 20 meters away from the water. We put on our swimming shorts before breakfast every day, cross the beach and run to the beach.

Since then, we have been jumping into the night on the beach or on the beach. Most of the time, when my aunt rings the bell, we go home to eat, but we eat in our swimming shorts and soon go back to the sea. The water is warm, the sun shines every day, most days there are no waves, the wind is always blowing in the day, but the wind is not strong, and it is true.

Don't make the sea rough swimming shorts ring the bell rough.


游泳当我还是个男孩的时候,有一次我和我的两个兄弟和我的叔叔、婶婶一起在海边的房子里度过了暑假。那里离水只有20米,我们每天早饭前穿上游泳短裤,穿过沙滩跑到海边,从那时起我们一直跳到深夜在海边或海滩上,大多数时候,当姑妈按铃时,我们回到家里去吃,但是我们穿着游泳短裤吃了,很快又回到海里去了。水很暖和,每天都有太阳照耀,大多数日子都没有浪,一天当中总是刮起风来,但风并不强劲,而且确实如此不要让大海变得粗糙 游泳短裤 敲钟 粗糙。


(swimming) in summer, many people like to swim in the swimming pool because it is cool and healthy. I also like swimming on the beach, because the beach is very beautiful, it is a public activity, people like it, so people do it is a good sport, this is the Olympic movement, now, do you go swimming with me.






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