
关于”一“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:In English, 一 can be translated as one.。以下是关于一的六年级英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。


关于”一“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:In English, 一 can be translated as one.。以下是关于一的六年级英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:In English, 一 can be translated as one.

One day, a girl came home with her boyfriend. After talking to him for a while, she told her father that she wanted to marry him. He told his daughter that she couldn't because he was her half brother.

The same problem happened again four times. The girl went to her mother and said, "Mom, what have you been doing in your life? Dad's looking for women all over the town, and now I can't marry any of the five men I like because they turned out to be my half brothers, "the mother replied," don't worry, honey, you can marry whatever you want. He's not the real dad.





Dear Jim: nice to meet you online. My name is David Williams. Williams is my last name.

David is my first name. I live in America. I am 12 years old.

My favorite subject at school is mathematics. I like sports. I like swimming best.

I have a sister named Amy and a brother named Tom. If you have time, please write to your friend, David.




Protect the environment, protect ourselves. Everyone knows that waste paper and used e cans are everywhere. You may see plastic bags flying in the air, caught in trees when the wind blows, or you see old cans floating in the river polluting water.

Our earth is our home, but the United States is destroying it. You know, there are four kinds of pollution: air pollution, water pollution Waste pollution and noise pollution, but what can we do to solve the pollution? I think, first of all, we can make environmentally friendly cars, we can ask companies in some big cities to use modern clean technology, we can limit the number of them. Second, we can use less water to ensure that we do not pollute water.

Factories should not be allowed to pour waste water into lakes and rivers. Third, we should not throw rubbish in parks and cities. If we see it, we can pick up the garbage.

Fourth, we can put more garbage cans in our parks and cities. We can keep away from noise and make laws to limit it. We must try our best to keep the world clean and let our children join hands to make the world a better place.

Thank you.








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