
关于”新视野2“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:New Horizon 2。以下是关于新视野2的专业英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。


关于”新视野2“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:New Horizon 2。以下是关于新视野2的专业英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:New Horizon 2

New Horizon College English 2作文题目:

Some people prefer to live in small towns or countryside, while others prefer to live in big cities. Which do you prefer and why?







I personally prefer to live in big cities.

Firstly, big cities offer more opportunities and resources. They usually have more job positions and employment opportunities, which means more chances for employment and career growth. Moreover, big cities have more higher education institutions and research centers, providing better education and research resources. For individuals pursuing personal and career development, big cities are a better choice.

Secondly, big cities have more cultural and entertainment activities. They usually have a wide range of cultural events, such as art exhibitions, concerts, and theater performances. Additionally, big cities have more shopping centers, food streets, and entertainment venues to meet the needs of different groups of people. By living in a big city, I can fully experience various cultures and lifestyles, broadening my horizons.

Lastly, big cities also provide more convenient transportation and infrastructure. They usually have well-developed transportation networks, such as subways, buses, and highways, travel easier for people. Moreover, big cities have better medical facilities, commercial facilities, and public services, offering a better living environment.

In conclusion, big cities offer more opportunities, diverse cultural activities, and convenient transportation infrastructure. Therefore, I prefer to live in big cities.


你对如何提高口语水平有何建议As a college student, what suggestions do you have for improving spoken English?


Spoken English is a basic language skill and an important reflection of a person's English proficiency. To improve spoken English, my suggestions are as follows: First, listen and speak more. Listen to English broadcasts, watch English movies and TV series to improve your unciation and understanding, and encourage yourself to speak English. Second, partite in English speaking corners, English salons and other activities, communicate with English speakers, accumulate experience and confidence. Finally, pay attention to self-evaluation and reflection, timely discover your own speaking errors and deficiencies, correct and make up one by one, and constantly improve your spoken English level.


Traffic congestion in cities


Traffic congestion in cities is an increasingly serious problem that has attracted people's attention. The reasons for traffic congestion are many, including too many private cars, narrow roads, and unreasonable planning. To solve this problem, both the government and citizens need to take active measures. The government can try to alleviate traffic congestion by improving public transportation and increasing road capacity. The citizens should adopt more environmentally friendly modes of transportation, such as cycling or walking. In the issue of traffic congestion, the government and citizens need to cooperate to find suitable solutions for the city, which can make the city more livable.


Your career plan for the future


I plan to become a marketing professional after graduation from university. I have passion and enthusiasm for studying markets, products, marketing strategies and more. In my future career plan, I hope to work in the field of marketing and become an expert. I hope to have good career achievements and a stable career in the next 10 years, while constantly learning and accumulating knowledge to become a strong and innovative person.




In recent years, the issue of environment protection has gained increasing attention. With the development of industrialization and ization, environmental pollution has become a serious problem. It is high time that we took action to protect our environment.

Firstly, we should raise people's awareness of environmental protection. Many people are still not aware of the importance of protecting the environment. Therefore, it is necessary to educate and inform the public about the adverse effects of pollution and the importance of preserving our natural resources. Through various means such as TV programs, newspaper articles, and public lectures, we can effectively convey the message of environmental protection.

Secondly, adopting green lifestyles is essential for environmental protection. We should realize that small actions can have a big impact. For instance, reducing our use of plastic bags, recycling waste materials, and saving energy can make a significant difference in reducing pollution and conserving resources. It is crucial for everyone to take responsibility for their individual actions and make environmentally-friendly choices in their daily lives.

Lastly, the government and relevant authorities should play a leading role in environmental protection. Stricter laws and regulations should be implemented to control pollution and punish those who violate the rules. In addition, the government should allocate more resources to invest in the development of renewable energy, which can help reduce our dependence on fossil fuels and decrease pollution.

In conclusion, protecting the environment requires the joint efforts of individuals, society, and the government. Only by raising awareness, sustainable choices, and implementing effective policies can we create a cleaner and greener future for ourselves and future generations.











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