
关于”一节有趣的课“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:An interesting class。以下是关于一节有趣的课的小升初英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。


关于”一节有趣的课“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:An interesting class。以下是关于一节有趣的课的小升初英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:An interesting class

Recently, I had a very interesting English class. The teacher, Mrs. Smith, introduced us to a new way of learning English by using music. She played a song and gave us the lyrics to follow along. Then, she asked us to identify new vocabulary and grammar structures from the song. We had to work in groups and present our findings to the class.


At first, I thought it was just a fun activity, but as we progressed, I realized how much I was actually learning. The songs helped me to remember new vocabulary and grammar structures because they were set to a catchy beat. We also discussed the meaning behind the lyrics, which helped us to understand the context and use the language in a more natural way.


I left the class feeling more confident in my English abilities and excited to continue learning in this new way. Mrs. Smith’s creative approach to teaching made me realize that learning can be enjoyable and effective at the same time.



Today, I had a very interesting English class. The teacher told us a new lesson. After explaining the new words, she asked us to perform five scenarios.

We were very excited. We found the group and rehed for a while. When we played the role, we enjoyed the program very much.

What an interesting lesson it was.




A Fun English Class


One day, our English teacher planned a fun English class for us. She wanted to make the class more interactive and interesting, so she came up with a unique idea.


As the class began, instead of sitting at our desks, we all gathered in a circle on the floor. Our teacher brought a bag full of small objects and placed it in the center of the circle. Each of us was asked to pick one item from the bag.


Next, we had to describe our chosen object to the rest of the class using only English. This exercise helped us improve our vocabulary and descriptive skills. We had to think of creative ways to explain our object without using its name or any other obvious hints.


After everyone had a chance to describe their item, we played a guessing game. We took turns guessing which object each person had described. It was a fun challenge trying to guess correctly based on the descriptions given by our classmates.


To make the class even more engaging, our teacher encouraged us to ask questions in English during the guessing game. This allowed us to practice speaking and listening skills in a lively and interactive way.


Overall, the class was a great success. It not only made learning English more enjoyable but also helped us develop our language skills in a fun and interactive way. We were grateful to our teacher for organizing such a creative and engaging English class.






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