
关于”50字“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Fifty characters。以下是关于50字的专业英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。


关于”50字“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Fifty characters。以下是关于50字的专业英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Fifty characters

During my holiday, I went to a beautiful beach with my family. We played in the sand, swam in the clear water, and built sandcastles. The weather was perfect, and we enjoyed the breathtaking views. It was a memorable and relaxing holiday.



Hello everyone! My name is Lily and I am an English student. Here are fifty words to introduce myself:

1. Name (名字) - Lily (莉莉)

2. Age (年龄) - 20 (二十岁)

3. Hometown (家乡) - London (伦敦)

4. Education (教育) - Student (学生)

5. Major (专业) - English Literature (英国文学)

6. Hobby (爱好) - Reading (阅读)

7. Pet (宠物) - Cat (猫)

8. Favorite color (最喜欢的颜色) - Blue (蓝色)

9. Food (食物) - Pizza (比萨)

10. Movie (电影) - Harry Potter (哈利·波特)

11. Music (音乐) - Pop (流行)

12. Sports (运动) - Tennis (网球)

13. Travel (旅行) - Europe (欧洲)

14. Language (语言) - English (英语)

15. Future plans (未来计划) - Become a teacher (成为一名老师)

16. Personality (个性) - Friendly (友好)

17. Siblings (兄弟姐妹) - One brother (一个哥哥)

18. Favorite book (最喜欢的书) - Pride and Prejudice (傲慢与偏见)

19. Dream destination (梦想目的地) - Maldives (马尔代夫)

20. TV show (电视节目) - Friends (老友记)

21. Career (职业) - Writer (作家)

22. Fashion (时尚) - Casual (休闲)

23. Country (国家) - England (英格兰)

24. School (学校) - University of London (伦敦大学)

25. Season (季节) - Spring (春季)

26. Drink (饮料) - Coffee (咖啡)

27. Artist (艺术家) - Leonardo da Vinci (达芬奇)

28. Game (游戏) - Chess (国际象棋)

29. Talent (才能) - Singing (唱歌)

30. Vehicle (交通工具) - Bicycle (自行车)

31. Weather (天气) - Sunny (晴朗的)

32. Festival (节日) - Christmas (圣诞节)

33. Fruit (水果) - Apple (苹果)

34. Profession (职业) - Doctor (医生)

35. Zodiac sign (星座) - Virgo (处女座)

36. Restaurant (餐馆) - Italian (意大利餐厅)

37. Dance (跳舞) - Ballet (芭蕾舞)

38. Vacation (假期) - Maldives (马尔代夫)

39. Subject (科目) - History (历史)

40. Flower (花朵) - Rose (玫瑰)

41. Instrument (乐器) - Piano (钢琴)

42. Source of inspiration (灵感来源) - Nature (大自然)

43. Goal (目标) - Learn a new language (学习一门新语言)

44. Personality trait (性格特点) - Optimistic (乐观)

45. Animal (动物) - Dolphin (海豚)

46. Seasonal activity (季节活动) - Skiing (滑雪)

47. Favorite quote (最喜欢的名言) - "The only way to do great work is to love what you do." - Steve Jobs (做出伟大的工作的唯一方法就是热爱你所做的事情。- 史蒂夫·乔布斯)

48. Board game (桌游) - Scrabble (拼字游戏)

49. School subject (学校科目) - Literature (文学)

50. Goal (目标) - Travel to all seven continents (到七大洲旅行)

That's all for my self-introduction using fifty words. Thank you for listening!





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