
关于”商品投诉信“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Letter of Complaint about Products。以下是关于商品投诉信的高考英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。


关于”商品投诉信“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Letter of Complaint about Products。以下是关于商品投诉信的高考英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Letter of Complaint about Products

Complaint Letter Regarding a Product 商品投诉信

Dear [Company Name],

I am writing to express my extreme dissatisfaction with a product that I recently purchased from your company. I believe it is important to bring this matter to your attention as I hope for a prompt resolution to the issue.

I purchased the product, which is a [describe the product], on [date] from your [store/website]. However, upon receiving the item, I noticed several defects. Firstly, the product was not functioning as advertised. The [specific feature] did not work at all, it impossible for me to use the product as intended. Secondly, the overall quality of the product is far below my expectations. The material used seems cheap and the craftsmanship is poor, resulting in an unappealing appearance and it e to damage.

I must highlight that I took great care in following all the instructions provided, but despite my efforts, the product did not meet the standards that were promised. As a loyal customer, I expected a high-quality product from your reputable company, but unfortunately, I have been left disappointed.

I kindly request that you address this issue promptly. I would appreciate a replacement for the faulty product or a full refund of my purchase. Additionally, I suggest that your company reinforces its quality control measures to avoid similar incidents in the future. I trust that you will take my complaint seriously and take necessary steps to rectify the situation.

I have enclosed a copy of the receipt and the product photos as evidence. Please let me know how you intend to resolve this matter within the next [reasonable timeframe]. I hope for a positive and timely response.

Yours faithfully,

[Your Name]










: ,IBM XP : : : : ,IBM XP : : Li Hua ·································································································································································· I ordered a computer and was told that I would receive the computer within a few days. Yesterday, the computer I received had neither a mouse nor a user's manual in its package. The computer I received was not the one I ordered.

I am not satisfied. If there is no such computer, I want to exchange this computer for the stock I ordered. I must return this one, get my money back, and get compensation for what you have brought I would like to thank you very much for your understanding and cooperation.


: ,IBM XP : : : : ,IBM XP : : :,李华························尽快改善情况 我们希望您现在认真考虑这件事,并努力防止这种情况再次发生 我必须警告您,除非您对这种情况采取措施,否则我将采取法律行动 亲爱的经理, 我写这封信是为了投诉您的服务质量差公司 我订了一台电脑,被告知我会在几天内收到电脑昨天我收到的电脑包装里既没有鼠标也没有使用说明书我收到的电脑不是我订购的电脑我不满意如果没有这样的电脑,我想把这台电脑换成我订购的那台股票,我必须归还这一张,拿回我的钱,并得到赔偿给你带来的不便我将非常感谢你的理解与合作 你的, 李华 。


Dear Mr. / MS, I am writing to express my dissatisfaction with XXX products and request to start with the replacement of XXX. The main problem I found is that your product has a very low quality level in the TV and Internet advertit description.

After the first washing in the washing machine, the color will fade. I would appreciate it if you would consider this request as soon as possible. Thank you for your help in this matter.

I sincerely look forward to your reply, XXX.








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