my future plan英语作文_专业高分英语作文5篇

关于”my future plan“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:My future plan。以下是关于my future plan的专业英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

my future plan英语作文_专业高分英语作文5篇

关于”my future plan“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:My future plan。以下是关于my future plan的专业英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:My future plan

(my plan for the future) everyone dreams of the future. There are many things waiting for us in the future. Sometimes I can't wait to be an adult.

I'm very excited about my future because I have great hopes and dreams. This is what I want to do. I plan to study hard because I want to go to an overseas school.

My dream school is Harvard University. I may become a teacher, a doctor or a department I want to be rich, I want to make a lot of money, so my family will be proud of me, I also like to travel, so I want to go to every country to see the world, I hope to meet a lot of people and make many friends. I am determined to realize my dream.

I know it is not easy, but when I realize my dream, I will be the happiest person in the world.




After I graduated from University, I decided to be a middle school teacher for many reasons. First of all, when I was a little boy, I always dreamed of becoming a teacher, which was so fascinating to me. I hope I can realize my dream.

I like to be with middle school students very much. At that time, most of the students were full of youthful vigor. I believe their enthusiasm will be passed on to me.

I will keep the enthusiasm of all the agers. The most important reason is that we are the one Teaching in China is considered to be a hard and low-income job. However, if we do not have enough teachers, our future will be short of excellent scientists, managers, businessmen, soldiers, even workers and peasants.

How can our country be strong and powerful? I hope my country will become better. I am willing to be a teacher, and I hope all reasonable people can devote their lives to this meaningful cause.



满分英语范文3:my future plan

My Future Plan


Everyone has dreams and aspirations for their future. As for me, I have already thought about my future plan. I believe that having a clear plan can direct me towards my goals and help me achieve success.


First and foremost, I plan to pursue higher education. I have always been passionate about learning and acquiring knowledge. Therefore, I aim to attend a prestigious university to broaden my horizons and enhance my intellectual capacity. I believe that a solid education will provide me with a strong foundation and open up more opportunities for my future career.


In terms of career, I have always been fascinated by the field of business and entrepreneurship. Therefore, my future plan includes starting my own business. I believe that being an entrepreneur will not only give me the to pursue my passion but also allow me to make a positive impact on society. I plan to identify a gap in the market and develop a product or service that meets the needs of consumers. Through hard work, determination, and innovation, I hope to establish a successful and sustainable business.


Apart from career and education, I also plan to dedicate time to personal growth and self-improvement. I believe that continuous learning and personal development are crucial for success in any aspect of life. Therefore, I plan to engage in activities such as reading books, attending seminars, and learning new skills. By constantly acquiring knowledge and expanding my skillset, I can stay competitive in the ever-changing world.


In conclusion, my future plan involves pursuing higher education, starting my own business, and dedicating time to personal growth. I believe that with a clear plan and determination, I can achieve my goals and make a positive impact on society. I am excited about what the future holds and ready to work hard to turn my dreams into reality.






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