




The Dragon Boat Festival, also known as the double five Festival, is one of the most important festivals in China. The other two festivals are the Mid Autumn Festival and the lunar new year. The origin of this summer festival revolves around a scholar and government official named Qu Yuan.

He is a good man and respected by others. However, due to jealousy of his opponent's evil deeds, he eventually fell out of favor in the court and could not regain the respect of the emperor. Because of his admiration for Qu yuan, Qu Yuan threw himself into the Milo River in grief.

The local residents near the Milo River rushed into boats to look for him and threw rice into the water at the same time Although they could not find Qu Yuan, their efforts are still commemorated in the Dragon Boat Festival.




My claoom I am in the class. My claoom is not very big, but it is very clean. There are many tables and chairs in it.

There are two blackboards in it. There is a teacher's desk in front of the blackboard. There are four lights on the white wall.

There are four fans beside the lights. There are seven windows. I like my claoom.

Welcome to my claoom.




As we all know, smoking is harmful to our health, but there are still many people who are addicted to smoking and it is very difficult to give up smoking. It is a problem that puzzles many people. I have some suggestions.

First of all, you must be aware of the disadvantages of smoking. If you don't know this, you don't have the heart to do it. What you need is a strong mind for a person who wants to smoke, Nothing is difficult in the world.

A strong will is more important. What's more, if you really want to smoke, I have some warm suggestions. After a period of time, you can use chewing gum instead of smoking.

Your desire for smoking will gradually fade. When you find that you have made progress, give yourself some rewards. You can give yourself some rewards.

I hope you can quit smoking successfully.







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