
关于”句型“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Sentence pattern。以下是关于句型的七年级英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。


关于”句型“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Sentence pattern。以下是关于句型的七年级英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Sentence pattern

1. "In my opinion, (main idea)." 我认为,(主题)。

2. "As we all know, (fact or consensus)." 众所周知,(事实或共识)。

3. "There is no doubt that (fact or opinion)." 毫无疑问,(事实或观点)。

4. "It is widely believed that (idea or belief)." 人们普遍认为,(想法或信仰)。

5. "It is obvious that (fact or conclusion)." 显而易见,(事实或结论)。

6. "To be more precise, (clarification)." 更精确地说,(澄清)。

7. "In contrast, (comparison or differentiation)." 相比之下,(比较或区别)。

8. "Despite (negative factor), (positive factor)." 尽管(负面因素),(正面因素)。

9. "On the one hand, (argument or point)." 一方面,(论点或观点)。

10. "On the other hand, (argument or point)." 另一方面,(论点或观点)。

11. "Furthermore, (additional point)." 此外,(额外的观点)。

12. "In addition, (related point or example)." 另外,(相关的观点或例子)。

13. "Therefore, (conclusion or recommendation)." 因此,(结论或建议)。


English Essay Universal Sentence Templates

1. Introduction

- Nowadays, it is widely acknowledged that... (如今,人们广泛认识到)

- With the development of society, more and more people have come to realize that... (随着社会的发展,越来越多的人们开始意识到)

- In the modern era, one issue that has gained increasingly attention is... (在现代社会,一个引起日益关注的问题是)

2. Presenting the problem

- The problem of... has become a matter of great concern in recent years. (近年来,...的问题已成为一个极其关注的问题)

- There is no denying the fact that... has become a pressing issue in today's society. (不可否认的是,...已成为当今社会一个迫切的问题)

- It goes without saying that... has become a hot topic in various fields. (毫无疑问的是,...已成为各个领域热议的话题)

- Personally, I hold the view that... (个人来说,我认为...)

- From my perspective, it is clear that... (从我的角度来看,很明显...)

- In my opinion, it is crucial to... (在我看来,...是非常关键的)

4. Providing arguments and evidence

- Firstly, it is widely recognized that... (首先,人们普遍认识到...)

- Moreover, statistics have shown that... (此外,统计数据显示...)

- Additionally, studies have indicated that... (此外,研究表明...)

5. Offering solutions or suggestions

- In order to solve this problem, it is necessary for... (为了解决这个问题,有必要...)

- It is high time for us to take immediate measures to... (现在是我们立即采取措施来...的时候了)

- It is advisable for us to encourage... (我们应该鼓励...)

6. Predicting consequences

- If we fail to take actions, there will be severe consequences, such as... (如果我们不采取行动,将会有严重的后果,比如...)

- The lack of action will inevitably lead to... (缺乏行动必然会导致...)

- If we can successfully implement these measures, there will be positive outcomes, such as... (如果我们能成功地实施这些措施,将会有积极的结果,比如...)

7. Conclusion

- To sum up, it is essential for us to... (总结起来,我们有必要...)

- In conclusion, we should take immediate actions to address... (总之,我们应该立即采取行动来解决...)

- In a nutshell, solving this problem requires the joint efforts of individuals, communities, and governments. (简而言之,解决这个问题需要个人、社区和共同努力)



English Essay Universal Sentence Templates

1. Introduction

- Nowadays, it is widely acknowledged that...

- With the development of society, more and more people have come to realize that...

- In the modern era, one issue that has gained increasingly attention is...

2. Presenting the problem

- The problem of... has become a matter of great concern in recent years.

- There is no denying the fact that... has become a pressing issue in today's society.

- It goes without saying that... has become a hot topic in various fields.

- Personally, I hold the view that...

- From my perspective, it is clear that...

- In my opinion, it is crucial to...

4. Providing arguments and evidence

- Firstly, it is widely recognized that...

- Moreover, statistics have shown that...

- Additionally, studies have indicated that...

5. Offering solutions or suggestions

- In order to solve this problem, it is necessary for...

- It is high time for us to take immediate measures to...

- It is advisable for us to encourage...

6. Predicting consequences

- If we fail to take actions, there will be severe consequences, such as...

- The lack of action will inevitably lead to...

- If we can successfully implement these measures, there will be positive outcomes, such as...

7. Conclusion

- To sum up, it is essential for us to...

- In conclusion, we should take immediate actions to address...

- In a nutshell, solving this problem requires the joint efforts of individuals, communities, and governments.

These are some commonly used English essay universal sentence templates, and I hope they are helpful for your writing!




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