
关于”我的同桌“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:My desk partner。以下是关于我的同桌的小学英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。


关于”我的同桌“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:My desk partner。以下是关于我的同桌的小学英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:My desk partner

My Desk

My desk is a place where I spend a lot of time studying and working. It is an important part of my room and reflects my personality and interests.

On my desk, there is a lamp, a pencil holder, and a notebook. I also have a computer and a printer that I use for my schoolwork. I like to keep my desk organized and clean so that I can work more efficiently.

I have decorated my desk with some of my favorite things, such as a photo of my family and a small plant. I also have a few inspiring quotes taped to the wall, which remind me to stay motivated and focused.

Overall, my desk is a space where I can be productive and creative. It is a place that I value and take care of, and it helps me to succeed in my studies and other endeavors.







Since kindergarten, my father has prepared a table for me, which is ginger juice, but when I get to primary school, I have more and more knowledge to learn gradually, and I can't put learning supplies on my desk any more. My grandfather changed a big table for me at the beginning. I like it very much, but I forgot the good habits I gradually formed.

I went home, whether it was the table or the table The small dining table, as long as I don't put things, has become my homework place. My mother criticized me many times. Sometimes I think why I am lazy now.

I think I am too relaxed. I will gradually develop my good habits. I will try my best.




What I hate most is Jack. He is tall and tender. He writes faster than me.

But he often asks me how to answer math questions. I like to help him. We are good friends.

We share our storybooks, games, cartoon cards and so on. I also like to make fun of him. Sometimes he would laugh.

Last Friday, if he couldn't stand it, he would quarrel with me or even beat me. I told him One story is about a ghost who looks like Jack. I slowly walked up to his back, and then he fell to the ground and cried angrily.

Then he jumped up and beat me quickly. I fell down too. Jack, I was surprised by him, but I said sorry to him, and then we read the ghost story together that day.







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