
关于”海南之旅“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Hainan Trip。以下是关于海南之旅的七年级英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。


关于”海南之旅“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Hainan Trip。以下是关于海南之旅的七年级英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Hainan Trip

I heard that many people say Guilin is a beautiful city, but I didn't go there happily before. Last month, I had the opportunity to visit it. It is a small and quiet city.

People are very friendly because it is a famous tourist city. Many foreigners come to Guilin. Lijiang River, Liangjiang River, four lakes, elephant trunk mountain and Qunfeng mountain are the most famous scenery I have ever visited After having a good time in Guilin, I went to Yangshuo by boat.

I enjoyed the beautiful scenery of Lijiang River. Yangshuo is a good place. The West Street also attracts many tourists, especially the young people.

Because there are many bars and clubs there, I didn't go to the bar, because I was a middle school student. Maybe one day in the future, I would. It was a happy Guilin brigade.




This summer vacation, I went to Guangzhou with my parents. Guangzhou is a beautiful city. It is named "city".

The streets are wide and clean. Sometimes cars are crowded. There are many trees and flowers on the side of the road, which makes the city green.

We visited Baiyun Mountain, Chen's Academy, Guangzhou tower and other tourist attractions. In addition to the scenery, Guangzhou's food is very famous, soup and morning tea. I tasted a lot of delicious food there.

I found that they were my favorite. It was an unforgettable trip and brought us fun and leisure. I think Guangzhou is a city worth visiting.









I went on a trip to Hainan, which was a wonderful experience. I come from the north, and this was my first time visiting a seaside city in the south. When I arrived in Hainan on the first day, I felt the warm sunshine, fresh air, and blue sea. I really liked it here.

We visited some of the important sights in Hainan, such as the Boundary Island, Wuzhizhou Island, and Coconut Grove. These places were all very beautiful and really amazing. I enjoyed taking a walk on the beach, listening to the waves and smelling the sea. I also tried some local delicacies such as Hainan chicken rice and coconut glutinous rice, which were all very tasty.

In addition to the beautiful sights and delicious food, I also met some very friendly locals. They were all very kind and helpful, which made me feel very warm. I also learned some of the culture and customs of Hainan, which helped me to understand this place better.

In summary, this trip to Hainan was very meaningful to me. I experienced the beauty and warmth of the southern seaside, and also learned many new things. I hope to have the opportunity to come here again and continue to explore this beautiful place.




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