
关于”实践出真知“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Practice makes perfect.。以下是关于实践出真知的雅思英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。


关于”实践出真知“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Practice makes perfect.。以下是关于实践出真知的雅思英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Practice makes perfect.

Practice Makes Perfect





Practice makes perfect, this is a familiar proverb. It means that only through practice can one truly master something. This is because practice helps people understand and master knowledge, and turn them into experience.

For example, if you want to learn how to ride a bike, then you must practice. You have to sit on the bike, try to balance, pedal and control direction. At the beginning, you may fall down, but these mistakes will help you understand how to improve and avoid similar errors. Eventually, you will ride very smoothly, because you have converted theoretical knowledge into practical experience.

The same applies to other subjects. For example, if you want to learn math, you must master this subject by doing problems. Reading theoretical knowledge about math will only keep you on the suce. Only through practice can you really master math skills.

In short, practice makes perfect is a very useful motto. It reminds us that only through practice can we truly master knowledge and skills. Whatever you learn, you need to put in the effort and time to practice to make real progress.


Recently, there have been a lot of discussions about whether we should learn from books or from practice. Some people think that practical learning is more important, while others hold different views. I agree with the former and think that practice is the best for each other.

Reading plays a positive role in our academic life. It can make us contact with great ideas and arm us with a lot of knowledge The brain. However, learning from practice also has many advantages.

Practice is the source of knowledge, and understanding is also the source of knowledge. No place can describe the importance of learning through practice vividly and accurately as the old saying goes. Only in practice can it be true.

Take the progress of human beings as an example, we are just like this hundreds of thousands of years ago. Although our ancestors were ignorant, they accumulated a lot of practice and acquired a lot of knowledge through continuous practice, which made our world from a primitive society into a highly developed society. Second, different from the theory recorded in books, when we are working, we have to learn from the theory Practice can be applied to practice.

What we need is applied practice, not abstract theory in books. In short, we can come to the conclusion that learning from practice is more important than learning from books. Remember an old Einstein saying: the only source of knowledge is practice.





Practice makes perfect. In the Song Dynasty, s ò ch á o was a very talented archer. He hit the bull's eye every time, so everyone called him "magic Archer".

Chen yaoci felt that he was the best archer in the world. So one day, he was very proud. When Chen arched, an oil seller passed by and watched him for a long time.

"You know something about archery," Chen yaoci asked The man "look how good I shoot." the man replied, "that's nothing. Just practice." this made Chen yaoci very angry. He asked, "do you dare to underestimate my Archer skill?" without saying a word, the man picked up a bottle neck gourd and put it on it.

He put a coin with a square hole in the center on it, and he put the hard work in a wooden s drop by drop "It's nothing. It's just a matter of practice perfect." so this idiom means that skills come from repeated practice.






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