
关于”复试自我介绍“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:English translation of 复试自我介绍: Self-introduction for the second round of interviews。以下是关于复试自我介绍的高中英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。


关于”复试自我介绍“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:English translation of 复试自我介绍: Self-introduction for the second round of interviews。以下是关于复试自我介绍的高中英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:English translation of 复试自我介绍: Self-introduction for the second round of interviews






Hello everyone, I am XXX from China. Thank you very much for taking the time to attend my interview. I am honored to introduce myself to you.

I graduated from XXX University majoring in XXX. My graduation thesis topic was XXX, and I achieved very good results in this area. During my time at school, I served as the XXX position in the XXX club and partited in the XXX activities. I think these experiences have helped me develop more comprehensively.

In terms of my work experience, I have worked as a XXX position in XXX company and achieved very good performance in the company. I think this job helped me improve my XXX skills and XXX skills, and also allowed me to better understand the company's operations and management.

Finally, I would like to talk about my goals and aspirations. I hope to get this job and contribute to the company's development. I will work hard to learn and grow, improve my skills and abilities, and play the greatest role in the company.

Thank you for listening to my story.


Self-Introduction for a Second-Round Interview in English


Respected judges, good day everyone!


I am honored to stand here for the second-round interview and have the opportunity to present myself to all of you. I am an English student named (Your Name) and I come from China.


Firstly, let me talk about my academic background. I pursued my undergraduate degree in English at (Name of Your University), with a focus on English literature and linguistics. Through these courses, I gained a deeper understanding of the English language and developed strong English communication skills. Additionally, I partited in some academic competitions and received several awards. These experiences honed my academic abilities and fostered a spirit of teamwork.


Furthermore, I actively engage in English teaching and practice. During my university years, I volunteered at the English Corner, assisting other students in improving their oral and writing skills in English. I also joined the English club at school, sharing my learning experiences with fellow students. Additionally, I served as an English mentor at a summer camp, helping students enhance their English proficiency. These experiences have ingrained in me the significance of teaching and deepened my passion for English education.


Apart from that, I also enjoy reading and writing. In my spare time, I indulge in various literary works, especially English and American classics. This not only broadens my horizons but also enhances my writing skills. I have also contributed articles to the English newspaper at school, sharing my viewpoints and insights with fellow students.


In my future academic and professional endeavors, I have clear goals and plans for myself. I aspire to delve further into the study of English literature, enhancing my English proficiency and academic level. Additionally, I aim to become an exemplary English teacher, imparting my knowledge and enthusiasm to a broader range of students through teaching.


Thank you for giving me this opportunity to introduce myself. I look forward to having a meaningful conversation with the judges and hope to become a student at your esteemed institution, further contributions to both myself and the university.


Thank you!



Hello everyone, I am XX from XX University, thank you very much for giving me this opportunity to attend the interview.


I am a fresh graduate majoring in XX. During my university years, I actively partited in various student activities such as volunteer services and English corners. These activities not only allowed me to better understand society, but also improved my communication skills and team spirit.


I have served as a student union member and class leader, these experiences have allowed me to better understand teamwork and leadership skills. In addition, I have also interned at a company for two months, which gave me a certain understanding of the operation and management of the company.


Finally, I really hope to join your company and explore my potential and abilities here. Thank you!




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