




Youth is not a period of life, it is a state of mind, not ruddy cheeks, red lips and soft knees, but willpower, imagination, emotional vitality, it is the source of life, youth means courage over timidity, the temperament of adventurous desire, love for ease, this love often exists in a man who has no one, just with age We grow old by giving up our ideals. Years may wrinkle the skin, but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul, worry, fear, whether there is a miracle in everyone's heart, an unquenchable childlike desire for the next step, and the joy of the game that lives in you and me, as long as it receives beauty, hope, joy, courage, and from humanity and From the infinite power, as long as the antenna is down and you are young, your spirit is covered by the snow of cynicism and the ice of pessimism, then you are old. Even if your antenna is up to catch the waves of optimism, you may die young.




For graduates, they come to the job market and expect to find a perfect job with high salary. However, for a new job, his salary is always much lower than his expectation. Experienced employers suggest that young people should pay attention to career development from the beginning of employees, and it is always an embarrassing problem to ask for more salary.

There is a typical example of a company For a person who has worked for a long time, he decides to ask his boss for a raise. Then the boss asks him to complete a task. He is asked to ask the arrival time of the CEO of another company.

He tells his boss the time. Then the boss asks him whether the CEO needs to pick up and how many people they will come. He can't answer because the boss has not told him any further details about his career We should start with development, because we are young and energetic, and the opportunity to learn is the first priority.

When we have skills, we should be paid more.




Youth is not a period of life, it is a state of mind, it is not a ruddy cheek, red lips and soft knees, it is an emotional problem: it is fresh, it is the freshness of the spring of life; youth means that a kind of courage in temperament is better than a timid desire, for adventure rather than for the love of ease, which often exists in people, not just a nameless Pawn, as time goes by, we will grow old by giving up our ideals. Years wrinkle the skin, but to lose enthusiasm wrinkles the soul. Worry, fear, and lack of self-confidence distort the heart and extinguish the spirit.

Is there a miracle in everyone's heart? It's eternal. There is a radio station. As long as it receives messages of beauty, hope, joy and joy, there is a radio station.







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