观刈麦用英语怎么说 观刈麦的英语翻译

观刈麦的英语翻译是"taoist temple",还网络中常译为"width of cut",在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到27个与观刈麦相关的释义和例句。

观刈麦用英语怎么说 观刈麦的英语翻译

观刈麦的英语翻译是"taoist temple",还网络中常译为"width of cut",在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到27个与观刈麦相关的释义和例句。

2. And the oblation is determined by people's world view, philosophy and sense of worth.

3. You're better at face reading.

4. A good philosophy is good philosophy.

6. View of Lake View, see King, Yiran from the music.

7. i did think we had differing views on relationships.

8. Almighty infinity? infinity Monastery?

9. She mesmerized the audience.

10. And Mahmoud was coming every day.

11. The concept of heaven and people, yin and yang and compromise in Hefei are the traditional building environment to create a basic idea.


12. At present, ability view in higher vocational education is changing from academic ability view to professional abil...


13. Mark! Mark, you've got a house.

14. Like religious views, political views...

15. Sight, hearing, feeling...




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