五爱教育用英语怎么说 五爱教育英语翻译

五爱教育用英语说"educatings",还可以翻译为educational technique,在《大课标百科词典》中,共找到74个与五爱教育相关的译文和例句。

五爱教育用英语怎么说 五爱教育英语翻译

五爱教育用英语说"educatings",还可以翻译为educational technique,在《大课标百科词典》中,共找到74个与五爱教育相关的译文和例句。

3. from shanghai five - love senior high school , to be good at flute zither playing , like to read , meditate and overlook.

4. He was a working man, had a fifth grade education.

5. - Church and education, that's what.

6. As a leader of Tibetan Buddhism, the Panchen Lama loves his motherland, hometown and religion.

7. Education: how do we improve education?

8. The fifth commandment obligates children to honor their father and mother.

9. They had sacrificed a lot to give me five years of higher education.

译文:为了让我接受五年的高等教育, 我的父母牺牲了很多。

10. Pedagogical approach guides the direction of educational activities and helps educators to achieve educational destinations.


11. Bailes: i am outgoing , optimistic and always an active partitor in life.


12. With compulsory education from the age of five or six, her role as chief educator of her children soon ceases.


13. Chapter 5: Discussion on the current situation of integrity among the students of Liaodong University and the basic means of education.


14. "Well-educated, highly recommended, willing to guarantee five years service.

15. "Student requires education in ways of love. Generous, mature men only."


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