西仓用英语怎么说 西仓的英语翻译

西仓的英语翻译是"refuse bin",还可以翻译为protek,在《实用全新英汉双解大词典》中,共找到42个与西仓相关的翻译和例句。

西仓用英语怎么说 西仓的英语翻译

西仓的英语翻译是"refuse bin",还可以翻译为protek,在《实用全新英汉双解大词典》中,共找到42个与西仓相关的翻译和例句。

3. Perhaps... perhaps it might be better if we did go back for a while.

4. Shame no one's in it, though, hammy.

5. Yes, hammy, it's just a question of finding the right words.

6. i can't get you two in trouble

7. Stop shouting! i'm already exhausted

8. it's not actually in his head, hammy.

9. KURATA BUiLDiNG Real Estate

10. There's hammy and roderick.

11. Right as rain. Hammy broke my fall.

12. along the side of the barn!

13. Everybody else present and correct, hammy?

14. You'll make me in deep !

15. Hammy, how do you dress yourself in the morning?





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